Happy New Year everyone ... I hope you all had a lovely Christmas however you celebrated the festive season ... we spent the days with the family having meals out at the daughters, sooo not a pan or pot was used at the mouse house for the first time in 34 years ..lol whoop ....I got thoroughly spoilt with lots of goodies and the odd bit of chocolate .yummmm and I have some pennies to spend too :)
I finally got the extra sockets put in my craft room and my stitching chair is finally up in place and has been used these last few days soooo all is good .. still got a wee bit of sorting to do which should be finished this next weekend all being well
Doing a tot up of how many pieces I got finished last year and I managed to get 15 done .. some of those were big projects too .. not as much as previous years but with the arrival of my wee granddaughter on top of my little man has made life a tad more busy and interesting as I had to virtually live there due to my DD having an emergency C section. And then 10 days before Christmas our wee granddaughter came to "live" with us while her mum and dad had a new kitchen fitted. as it was much easier for me to look after her here at the mouse house .. so not much got done stitching wise at all over that period ...lol , the house was definitely less full of stuff when she went back hahahahah
my wee GD with her protector Cooper
Master Bentley was a trouper with her and let us know if she stirred awake in her pram if we were in another room and he had to check on her every morning to make sure she was ok too ... Master Cooper has the role of protector and made sure she was safe at all times ...( she is never left alone with the boys btw just in case anyone worries about this )
checking she is ok :) |
I got some lovely gifts from my friends for Christmas and DH and I swapped our usual Toblerone's ,... we buy stuff throughout the year when we see things we want, soo when it gets to Christmas it is really hard so we have made a pact ..lol photos will be at the end .
I am on the last leg of Our Lasting Friendship which will be my first finish of 2022 , I am also trying to work on an ornie a month as a Sal with Tina and working on Sally's new birthday start, which is Winter Rose Sampler by Brenda Gervais and I have changed the house colour to GAST Cottage Blue just to be different .. mine is a very dark fabric Vintage Shilock by The Wee Linen Company and the recommended colour didn't show up. I have also started Bluebirds Message but not got very far with that at all at the moment but once OLF has been finished then I can get back to my rota of stitching again. Yesterday I took a wee road trip to The Viking Loom at York to meet up with a long time internet stitchy friend and her husband who had come over for a visit to the UK . I think her husband is a hoot in the enabling dept as he was you like it you get it ... said to my DH I need to borrow his philosophy when I go stash buying hahahhahah. We spent a pleasant few hours browsing and buying and for once her stash haul was greater than mine hahahahha
Today at the mouse house we are having a new gate and matching railings put up .. it is something we have been wanting to do for ages and they look really nice ...
then we just need to get the chimney swept again and the we can get the wood burner in :) update got a new sweep coming to see what the problem is with the chimney on Monday whoop whoop ... things are coming together :)
Well a few more days have passed ... the sweep came ... still clearing up the fine soot that gets everywhere ..lol
I have my first cross stitch finish of 2022 .. Our Lasting Friendship by Blackbird Designs, stitched on 32 count country mocha fabric using the recommended threads one over two. I have worked on as well this week Bluebirds Message BBD, Feed your Soul , Primitive Merry Christmas and AOTH too .. trying to be good here ...lol
ok I had better find the photos otherwise my birthday will be here ( friday 28th ) and I will be 21 again hehehehe
for Tina's 60th birthday
from Lynn in an exchange( sorry upside down )
from Sally
from Lainey
from Butterfly
from DJ
from Roz
from Barbara B
from Wendy and Chris
from DD .. its soooo cute
first finish of the year Our Lasting Friendship
Ok I had better sign off now .. will try and find the progress photos of the other stitches as soon as possible , might have even worked on them more by the next instalment ...lol Take care one and all and HaPPyyyyy stitching ... love mouse xxxxxx