Hi every one from a very brrrrrr mouse house .... we are having a few problems with our central heating soo all blankets gratefully accepted ...lol
as the title suggests today is the final TUSAL photo of the year .... prepare to be amazed..........
can you spot the threads ??? |
sooooo are you amazed ...lol ... I am stitching on something at the moment which uses this thread but that is all I can tell you and as you can see nothing else has been stitched by these fair paws all month WAAAAAHHHHHH :(
What I can hopefully show you are the wonderful goodies that I have received but couldn't show due to the problem with the photos ..... sooo here goes a feast of goodies ...
what I stitched for Kate of http://momuboocreaisland.blogspot.co.uk/ |
From Beth gardengrumblesandcrossstitchfumbles.blogspot.co.uk |
from DJ tickledpinkinstitches.blogspot.co.uk |
the rest of the goodies from DJ |
close up of the ornament :) |
From Heather http://heatherscottagestitching.blogspot.co.uk/ |
from heather of http://heathersstitchingstory.blogspot.co.uk/
The threads from Beth have come in very useful already as they have helped kit up a couple of charts I was trying to finish kitting up ... the wee mouse from Heather I am going to see what fabric I have to make up as soon as possible and the Charts from the other Heather I have got started kitted up ... and the wee note books and nail files are just sooo perfect and very useful indeed ...lol
I have some presents to open up Christmas day too so will show them as soon as I can after the big day ...hopefully the wee gifties I have sent out are with their new owners ... there will be more going out in the new year so please don't think I have missed you out .. time and tide will wait for no mouse ...lol
Having had a wee thunk over what I could do as a thank you and to celebrate over 400 followers ... coo thats a lot of tea I have made hehehehe ....I have decided to have a little give away of a gift certificate to either 123stitch or sew and sew ,or another OLNS shop that you like that does them to the value of £25.00 ($40.oo or thereabouts depending on exchange rates ..lol) ... I will draw a name from the hat on Christmas Day and announce the winner asap after , please if you are a no comment blogger make sure I have a way of contacting you.
I think that is all for now folks .... the kettle has just boiled again and it is defo a Hot Chocolate night brrrrrrr.
take care and happy stitching :)
love mouse xxxxxxx