Hi everybody hope this finds you all well and stitching to your hearts content or at least to how much time you have to do it ..lol
Well i'm in trouble from my eldest dd for not saying that she came to knaresbrough with Ally and i and that she picked the colours and frame for my Celtic Summer , she wants me to stitch all of them NOW !!!! so that she can have them in her own house when she finally gets one ..lol
I have been very busy teaching my youngest dd how to decorate her room (wall papering and painting) and how to sand the floor and stain it. I'm pleased to say that a good result is achieved all round and she should move back in tonight :)
On my stitching front i'm pleased to announce da da da daaaaa that i've finished simple blessings and not only that but its framed onto the canvas and up on the little easel too :) its to remind me of my friendship with Abi and that she introduced me to friendly stitcher's :)
I've also re put The Castle back onto my frame and have started to put more stitches into it. I'm going to stitch a couple of small items in between doing it as well as finishing off the Beau Bands designed by Abi . I'm ready to start at page 3 now so i shall show you how its progressing :)
It hopefully will be a hussif once completed lined with the same colours of silk dupion as the stitching to hang at the side of my stitching chair in my craft room / conservatory to hold things like pkts of needles etc :)
I've also stitched a piece for an exchange which i shall show once its been received as its late going off due to the plane stoppages as well as a letter to DJ ;)
I think this is all for now so i shall get back to my little room and get on with a bit of stitching for my sanity ..lol
take care one and all :)
love mouse xxxx
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Hectic few weeks
Hi everyone hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather we seem to be having here in mouseville :)
I went away down to my friend Abi's which is abit like escape to the country where her house is as it is really beautiful :) for a few days r&r as there was a stitching show on at the NEC. It had the costumes from the film the duchess on show which we all admired and then we shopped there till we dropped and met up with some friends, one who came back with us Ally :) and then we stitched and yackked and did some more stitching. Abi and i are doing a stitch along everytime we see each other of the Jane Greenoff's "the embroideress" which is a really good job we are as i think we got the charts pre amendments !!! the hemstitch square caused an awful lot of problems and i've still got to finish off the weaving n doves eyes :)
the photo shows what i did while i was at Abi's :) i am now enjoying this piece more only 3 more pages to do ..lol .
Ally and I came home back to my pad on the sunday we set off at 1.45pm and got home at 8.45pm eeekkkkk !!! it was a horrendous journey part of the motorway was totally shut of and we had to do a detour around chesterfield re joined the motorway to hit some roadworks agghhhhhhhh.... all we can say is thank goodness for classic fm and american hard gums and a bit of galaxy chocolate !
well needless to say the next day we were both shattered and spent the day recovering and pottering around my craft room coming up with ideas on how to improve the layout :)

I also got my celtic summer back from the framers and couldn't belive it was much bigger than the celtic spring and after haveing a good look at it i must have stitched celtic spring on 32 count linen instead of 28 ???? ho hum such is life can't change it now can i ???? ..lol
so now after taking Ally on the next stage of her journey home i did some stitching for a friend from the Friendly Stitchers who had a little girl so i stitched her a little ornament which is hanging proudly from her cot atm :).
I went away down to my friend Abi's which is abit like escape to the country where her house is as it is really beautiful :) for a few days r&r as there was a stitching show on at the NEC. It had the costumes from the film the duchess on show which we all admired and then we shopped there till we dropped and met up with some friends, one who came back with us Ally :) and then we stitched and yackked and did some more stitching. Abi and i are doing a stitch along everytime we see each other of the Jane Greenoff's "the embroideress" which is a really good job we are as i think we got the charts pre amendments !!! the hemstitch square caused an awful lot of problems and i've still got to finish off the weaving n doves eyes :)
the photo shows what i did while i was at Abi's :) i am now enjoying this piece more only 3 more pages to do ..lol .
Ally and I came home back to my pad on the sunday we set off at 1.45pm and got home at 8.45pm eeekkkkk !!! it was a horrendous journey part of the motorway was totally shut of and we had to do a detour around chesterfield re joined the motorway to hit some roadworks agghhhhhhhh.... all we can say is thank goodness for classic fm and american hard gums and a bit of galaxy chocolate !
well needless to say the next day we were both shattered and spent the day recovering and pottering around my craft room coming up with ideas on how to improve the layout :)
we decided on the wednesday to nip over to knaresbrough which is a lovely town about an hourish from me to see what its like and although it was cold n sunny its a lovely place and lots of lovely little shops the best one was the old pharmasists as it sold yummy chocolates heheheheh ;)
here is a view from the castle and we saw this place and all i could say was i wants it !!!!!

After all that excitement i managed to get a small amount of gardening done with the help of DH and planted up my hay basket at the front which is looking lovely after a few days of this gorgeous sunshine we've just been having (it will probably rain tomorrrow now heheheh)
well i think this is all for now folks so i shall squeak off till the next installment of tales from a stitching mouse xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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