Helooooo everyone ...it's me mouse, in case you had forgotten me ...lol .. I am under house arrest atm, as I have tested positive for Covid last night and this is after my 5th booster last Sunday ... not got a scooby do where I have got it from, so I am not allowed to go to work until I have had two negative tests 24 hours apart from Wednesday ...
I am quite poorly with it too sooo I thought that I would do a long overdue blog post to take my mind of it all and catch you up with the stitching and life of this wee mouse ... so pull up a chair, grab you brew and cookies as this could be a long post..lol
I have been busy stitching on quite a few things, Study in Blue by Sue Hillis, What remains is love by Blackbird designs, FFO'd A Sewing Bee strawberry by Erica Michaels and stitched the companion piece and started on her Stitch all things too. I have made oodles of project bags for Lainey and a birthday gift too for her and more project bags for my friend Lynn and for my 2nd mum Elaine (technically my step mum but we have never called her that). Finished some Christmas/ Birthday gifts that should have gone into the post today, but life has a way of saying nope .... finished off Miss B's blankie and worked on the one for me that I started about 4 years ago ..lol ... done an exchange Fall piece as well and then to top it all I have changed jobs and only work Tuesday to Thursday so then on Monday's and Friday's most weeks I munchkin sit, taking them out on walks and to town etc ... I managed to drop on a child's old-fashioned pram for Miss B so just need to make some new covers etc for it and she can then play with it when she is at the mouse house :), she is almost walking on her own fully .. she just needs that bit more confidence, then she will be off ...
Looking back through my book of day's I have finished 26 items up to press and most of these have not been small projects either ... I think next year I am going to concentrate on some smaller pieces as got loads I want to stitch. I am hoping that What remains gets finished in the next few weeks .... I have almost finished all my Christmas / birthday gifts for around this time of year so feeling glad I have after coming down with the dreaded covid now .....
DD2's wedding is getting ever closer, and I have now got my outfit having lost almost 3.5 stone and counting and will have a fitting early Jan 2023 ... going the full hog of posh frock and hat hahahahah ... bit of a change from tracky bottoms and tee-shirts I tell you ...mind you with two munchkins and two dogs I am never going to be clean, think chocolate, biscuits and mud ...lol, we are definitely hands on grandparents.
Miss B admiring the Christmas grotto
put some stitches in the Cottages of the month this week too |
Progress on What remains |
Stitch all things by Erica Michaels |
Munchkin sitting ... feeding the ducks |
bought this for small munchkin at a steal ... |
Small munchkin is learning to walk |
Box top of Study in Blue by Sue Hillis |
Band to go round box from Study in Blue |
Miss B's blankie finished |
elder munchkin on one of our walks looking for squirrels |
Sewing Bee strawberry FFO'd by Erica Michaels |
another one FFO's finally |
For the Birds Series progress |
My exchange piece from my Partner |
Lainey's birthday gift |
Stash Haul from small Harrogate show |
my exchange piece to my partner |
Oh Joyous Day finished .. just needs to be framed |
Ok don't think there is much more to add this time apart from thank you for getting this far ... wishing you all lots of stitching time, take care one and all :) love mouse xxxxx
I am so sorry Michelle to hear you have the virus. I hope you pull out of it unscathed. I have asthma as a result of it.
You are so blessed to be a Grandma now. Wish I was!!
Lovely stitching my friend.
Nice to see a post from you but sorry to hear you have the bug. I hope it's a mild case. Lots of nice stitching you have done. How lucky that you get to spend time with your grandbabies. It doesn't look like that's in the cards for me. We gained a grandson when our middle got married recently but he will be 13 next month. We love him like our own but missed the baby/toddler age.
Hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful holiday season.
Thanks for the catch up, hope you feel better soon.
Hello lovely, sorry you got the dreaded bug.
I had my 5th jab last week.
I am still getting over when I got covid back in 2019 at Christmas before we had the injection. My voice never came back properly, but I am slowly getting there.
I get a little brain fog too or that could be my age ha.
Oh, look at your lovely GBs growing up.
Beautiful stitching mouse looks like you have been busy.
Enjoy your week sweet friend, hugs June.
Since I'm so late reading this, I hope you're feeling better by now! And getting it after your 5th jab, crazy.
You have certainly been keeping busy between stitching and being with your grands! You have some lovely finishes and exchanges, and your wips are looking great.
I do hope by now you are feeling better. Thanks for the catch-up post. "Munchkins" are fun aren't they? I call mine "termites" but I think I nee to switch to Munchkins. Your finishes and WIP's look great. You have been busy. I love a Pram! Even though I'm on the other side of the pond, I had a pram for my babies and loved it. Would put them in the back yard to sleep in it!
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