Hi Every one :0
Hope you all have been good and got lots of stitching updates etc to show me now I am back :)
Well where to start ???? Thursday teatime Ally arrived safe and sound from her long journey to the mouse house from hers , she kept me up to date the full length of the journey of the weather and the views and the large pheasant she spotted ..lol
we spent the evening catching up with all the news and what we had been stitching along with the odd cuppa or two ;0
Friday we were both pampered at the college where DD2 is studying hairdressing , I came out sporting a very curly do and Ally became a red head ... they needed us to be models so we were :) We spent the afternoon sorting out stuff to take to Gillies for the weekend and got everything ready before we sat down to do some more on our crazy challenges :) along with a cuppa or two as usual .... the kettle was always hot hehehe
Saturday dawned bright and breezy as we packed the car up to go across the Pennines to Gillies newish pad ... we were on an adventure as I had never driven that route before so Ally kept me on the right road with the sat nav as well .. the scenery was wonderful or so I was kept being told ..lol.
We arrived safely and within a few mins Karen had also made it, group hugs all round before we got sorted and on our way to Gillies even better new pad ..lol
It took us another 10 mins or so to get there and BOY was it worth it .. absolutely fabulous place and scenery to boot ....
The food all weekend was top notch , Ally made her famous trifle which went down very well with only scrapings left in the main bowl ..lol, Gillie and WT were fantastic hosts even though they had just moved in :)
we all did a show and tell after lunch and then continued through the day stitching and chatting and eating and drinking wine and not a drop was spilt or a stitch in the wrong place .......:) Ally finished a long standing project which I can't spoil for you sorry ..lol. Karen crocheted me some lovely little flowers for some future projects and I worked on my garden pleasures which ..... is now FINISHED :) 6 down another 9 to go whoop whoop :)
The weather was better than expected and Sunday was spent doing more stitching and making friends with the local animals (ally is a horse fanatic;) before we reluctantly had to make our way back home to our respective pads :(
Monday ,Ally and I stitched on LHN Needlework shop as I had moaned to her she wouldn't let me stitch on mine till she had caught up ..lol ... Tuesday was spent making sure everything was sorted and packed away ready for Ally going home this afternoon ... she is still on her journey home as I squeak to you as her train was late leaving Lancaster station :(
Soooo If you have made it this far YIPPPEEE ...lol here are the good bits the photo's ....
so I would advise putting the kettle on , having a browse while brewing and I shall catch up with you all later :)
happy stitching every one and I shall squeak to you all soon.take care :)
love mouse xxxxx
ps Ally is almost home safe now :)
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tea any one ??? |
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romantique parts 5 n 6 |
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View :) |
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mouse house :) |
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Ally making friends |
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whoop finished :) |
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mine on the left Ally's to the right |
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Ally n me stitch along |
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progress so far on this one :) |
Sounds like an incredible time and fun visit with Ally.
How nice to have a group of stitching friends nearby! Your LHN pieces are so cute :)
I love love love LHN! I think I'm going to have to put the 'garden pleasures' on my list to stitch for our Aunt. So cute!
Congrats on the lovely finish. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
Had a fabulous time - just a shame I had to come home :( Ah well at least I got loads of stitching done - and there's always the next visit! Thanks for having me! Hugs, Ally xxx
Oooh sounds like an awesome time!
I like mouse house:)))Antonina
How fun! I love the picture of the stitch-a-long on the Needlework Shop. What a great idea! And the cuppas look yummy, too!
Sounds like you've had lots of fun. Love the picture of Ally making friends ^.^ Lovely WiPs and finish too.
Goodness, what a nice friend to have you all to stay! Come back soon all of you, it's very quiet now!
Wow sounds like you had a great time. The pictures are great. Congrats on your finish. Love the needlework shop progress.
Thankyou for the lovely birthday wishes on my blog!
It looks like you had a lovely time stitching and catching up with your friend, the LHN stitching is lovely!
Sounds like you had a blast. Love the progress you made and well done on another crazy challenge. As one just starting this crazy thing its great to see that it can be done. Its wonderful meeting up with stitching friends and I can't think of anything nicer than friends, tea, lots of it and stitching... pretty perfect :D
Looks like you had a wonderful time! Beautiful stitching too.
Sounds like a wonderful time!! Your finish is lovely. :) Any pics of you and Gillie that we could see? I love to put faces w/names. :)
Sounds like you had a great time! Stitching with friends is always a great way to spend a weekend!
Love that little yellow teapot birdhouse!
What fun that must have been! I can hear the chatter now! Looks like you were able to accomplish a lot as well! Lovely stitching ladies...and the brew looks enticing too. So...Ally, you like horses? I'll remember that! *Hugs*
Mouse, I love your house :-) I love that you had such a wonderful time, and you think I'm not a slow stitcher? Well, I have a lot of time to spend stitching, and you work circles around me - like 10 times faster than I. I love all your LNH and CCN works! Your pix are so much fun to see! Garden Pleasures is in my stash. But so are many others. What to do; what to do???
oooh mouse dear, we have the same tea pot! Pity we can't share one cuppa together
Julie in Australia
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