Hi all:)
ooooo thank you for all the lovely comments I've had on my give away post about my pin cushions .... I am really pleased that folks like them... PHEW ..lol
Well I have been busy all week with lots of meetings ... how is it that they always have uncomfortable chairs :( .....and in between I have managed to get some done on my Celtic Autumn much to the relief of DD1 as well as getting parts 3 and 4 done on my Romatique SAL soooo without further ado her are the start of today's photos:)I also managed to capture Mr Robin the other day too having a quick snack on my table before he spotted me taking the photos ..lol
We went out to Rogerthorpe hotel today as it was DH's cousins 50th Birthday and we had a lovely day , the sun shone , the skies were blue and I took lots of photos for you heheheh I 'm a poet and I didn't know it ..lol
I wandered round the grounds and took lots of interesting photos to show you and met a lovely little wild bunny who let me take his photo as well :) so I do apologise that this is a little photo heavy today but I hope you think it is worth it ......
I hope that the photos would behave themselves but no !!!!!!!!! so I am really sorry that you have to scroll down so much .........
Romarique SAL parts 3 and 4 |
Romatique sal |
Celtic Autumn Lavender and lace |

Took this though conservatory window |
He has spotted me ..lol
Fire place in the room we had |

love the view through here
Please don't forget to post a comment on the give away post and become a follower if you want to have a chance to win one of the pincushions :) if you haven't done so already closing date is the 15th of March 2011. |
Ok I think I may have you all running to put the kettle on after looking at all those photos ..lol so I shall say good night and sleep tight and I shall squeak to you all soon
happy stitching love mouse xxxxx
Lovely pictures! :)
im not relieved your still slacking..stitch faster!
Romantique is looking lovely Mouse. Love all the photographs - Rogerthorpe looks like a lovely place to visit.
Wow some gorgeous pictures!
What beautiful pictures, Mouse, and not just of your adventure...your stitching is just jaw dropping! I just love your choice of colors!! Makes mine look kind of plain and boring...LOL Someday, when I'm rich and famous, I'm going to visit Rogerthorpe...looks like my kinda place! *hugs*
Those pics are GREAT!
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