Friday, 24 March 2017

Yooooo Hoooo I am still here :)

Helloooo everyone .... I am still here honest .. please grab a chair and your brew all freshly made and... I have cookies ..... :)
So sorry to have been so quiet but I do have a good reason or two ... mainly the computer decided not to talk to the internet and had to be sent away  WAHHHHHH.... work has been extra busy due to use tupe over two companies and .......I had to get my craft room sorted after the leak and back to some semblance of order so that I can sit and stitch again and boy did that take ages and ages and I have still a bit to do yet .... eeeekkkkk but it is looking loads better and because we have moved things around I seem to have more space ??? DH and almost the SIL, moved my furniture for me and secured the shelves to the wall , I just had to do the sorting and some painting of the walls again to freshen it up :)
Stitching wise I actually have a couple of finishes and finished finishes and a progress report to boot too .. go me
I have finished Lizzie* Kate "do your best " the other day and just need to make it up ... it was a limited edition kit that I got from the Nimble Thimble last time I was there soooo I do have everything to make it up sooo you never know it could be this weekend :)
I stitched a wee Easter Pillow for work from a small kit from HobbyCraft and in the end made it up to work ... I am not sure who the designer was or who put the kit together but believe me when I say thank goodness for evenweave and stash of threads ... the kit came with aida and the chart was almost impossible to read correctly and it had over one stitches ... and three of them at one point in one square of stitch ... and they made it up with aida !!!!!!! .... needless to say I won't be getting anymore of them ... I thought it would be a quick stitch I could do in the time scale I had got .... hmmmmmm... not saying another squeak on the matter ....
Moving swiftly along, I stitched for Stitcher's Day over on Friendly Stitchers "the best things" from My Big Toe Designs for Cindy as a surprise for her ... I stitched it on a piece of Sparklies Fabric " Slightly Nutty " Opalescent with a lovely purple green threadworks thread and I am happy to report that it arrived safely and she loves it :) 
I've done a wee bit more on My Soul is fed but no got an up to date picture of it as of yet .... and I have been plodding along with the Linen and Thread Sal and loving it ....
Somewhere between this and the last post DD1 and I went to Harlow Carr RHS Garden for her birthday trip ... I got some gorgeous photos of the birds and plants there .. it was just a shame it was a wee bit damp around the edges but all in all we did have a lovely day and want to go back when the weather is nicer and more flowers are out
OOOO OOOO guess what ..... I am famouse .... lol .... I am on the blogger of the week blog set up by our lovely Jo from Serendipitous Stitching .....
She decided as the Cross Stitch Collection magazine had now ended and they used to do the blogger of the month write up she would do her version of it and I am it for this week ... sooo please bob on over and say hi :)
I have had some lovely comments from it and I will find the photo of said design  or retake it  if I can't find it and apparently I forgot to mention I love photography hahahahahah sorry Kay .....
well I had better find the photos for you ... hang on and I will make another brew for us all as well......
Mess from the leak

can you spot the missing piece ??

My version of the piece I designed :0

Betty's Tea Room Teapot :)

this was I think nearly £300 !!!!

Sleeping Bentley

Easter Pillow for the works raffle

Lizzie*Kate do your best finish

Bullfinch at Harlow Carr

Fabric moved to new place in craft room

looks a wee bit better than this now

Linen and Thread SAL  I have done a wee bit more since
Frome Lainey for my birthday :)

 As you can see there is one from Lainey that came after my birthday  as she was unwell and didn't get it done on time but it was well worth the wait :)
well I had better finish off now before I write another novel sooo tooodle pip and take care one and all and I shall squeak to you all again soon :) love mouse xxxxxxx


deb said...

Such lovely pictures of all the flowers and sweet birds! And your lovely stitching as well - so pretty.

Oh no!! Thought you were on my "reading list" so your posts would show up but missed both your medical scare (eep!) and your stitching room deluge. Late hugs to you, dear Mouse! (scurrying off to remedy the missing Mouse problem)

gracie said...

Wonderful pictures and stitching and get to that work area!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Lovely pictures,especially the robin with its beak open,I love the song of the robin.Great to see see your own design,thanks for posting your photo:)

butterfly said...

Beautiful photos , sorry about your water leak and PC things do happen.
Lovely stitching mouse , lovely Birthday gift from Lainey .
Hoping everything is back to normal now.

Sandra said...

Hi, I think your Bullfinch is actually a male Chaffinch. Bullfinches chests are much brighter and they have a black head.

Justine said...

A lovely update, glad to hear everything was sorted in the end!

Vickie said...

Your craft room looks like a craft shop!! Master Bentley is truly smiling in that photo! :D

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for posting the wonderful sampler! Now we can all admire it.
Gorgeous photos as usual and a lovely reorganised craft room too.

Beth said...

Love visiting alpine houses at RHS gardens - have never been to Harlow Carr. Horrible to have had a leak in your craft room - it looks great now. My cousin was gone from her house for 3 months visiting a daughter and new grandchild. She can back to find her house totall destroyed by leaking water pipe!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Gorgeous photos of Harlow Carr. I enjoyed seeing your recent finishes and your gift from Lainey. They are all lovely. Good to read that your craft room is almost sorted now. I enjoyed reading about you on 'Blogger of the week'.

DJ said...

Congratulations on becoming blogger of the month! Loved all your pictures, it's amazing how you capture those birds! They flit around so! Love all your stitching (as always) and hearing about your trip. Goodness your stitch room did take quite a glad it's all fixed now and you are able to get back to stitching! Glad to see you are back to blogging! I've missed you!

Andrea said...

Lovely to have you back on the blog. Wonderful photos of Harlow Carr, a good reminder of my visit last year. So glad you have your craft room sorted.

Christina said...

Oohhh we have a Betty's in Northallerton. It's nice to go in for a special treat.
Your linen and thread SAL - wow, gorgeous colours!!

Maggie said...

Loved looking at your photos, both stitching and the wildlife :-)

Now looking at all your stash where are you going to put all the new stash you acquire at the weekend, lol.
Looking forward to meeting up with you again on Saturday, and all that yummy food!

Stitching Noni said...

Did you say craft room or craft shop! Wow! Amazing ;o)
So good to hear that the water leak issue and mess is all sorted now... loved seeing all of your photos - Bentley is adorable! Your finishes are lovely :o)
Hugs xx

Brigitte said...

A nice mixture of pictures of spring, birds, bunnies and stitching. And a great newly organized craft room.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Your craft room is amazing!! Can I come shop there? LOL Beautiful stitching and lovely photos, as always! I'm glad the leak was cleared up, that must have been a disaster...

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Love your pictures. The smiling Bentley one is adorable!! The leak in the craft room would have made me cry!!

Julie said...

Fabulous pictures of your visit to Harlow Carr, love the boxing hares.
Cute pillow for the works raffle.

Sally said...

Lovely finishes Mouse and fantastic photos from your trip. Hope you are getting sorted with your craft room.

Master Bentley is as cute as ever!

Lovely gift from Lainey.

Susana Laurencia said...

Lovely pictures. I like those of your robin, which is my favourite bird. We have one in our garden who regularly visits. You got plenty of lovely stitching done on your week off. Just a pity you weren't feeling great.
