Sunday, 5 February 2017

Quick fly by post ..... and even no photos ...

Hellooooo ... I know I bet you are shocked with the no photos bit but there is a good reason ... will explain more in a few mo's ....
firstly thank you everyone for their thoughts and prayers.... they definiately worked as the lump is hormonal and all is well ... the coil (IUD) is in place still but strings have gone up ??? so may need some intervention to get it out .... just need to go back in 6 weeks for a follow up scan as a precautionary as they found a follicle and want to check it out ....
The other news is my craft room is upside down and back to front as we have developed a leak right above my stitching chair ... plumber has been ... is the original lead pipe eeekkk and to get to it to fix it, he has to take down part of my ceiling !!!!!
The ceiling is the original wattle and daub stuff too sooo not holding out hope that the rest doesn't come down either :(
any hoooo today the room has been cleared of all stuff that cannot be washed or cleaned after the dust and a salvage sheet will be going over what is left in there to protect the rest as much as possible ...
So I have moved my stitching into DH's side and this where I am now for the next couple of days ....
Off to go and put the kettle on ... will make one for you all too :)
squeak to you all ASAP and photos will be taken to show all 
take care :) love mouse xxxxxxx


Kaisievic said...

So glad to hear that your health news is good (and I am sure that the follicle bizzo will be fine). Oh dear, re your sewing room - I had a leak in mine when we had a bad storm and it is so disruptive!

Vickie said...

Oh my. Your craft room just finally got all organized and set up perfectly. BIG, FAT BUMMER.

Christina said...

So pleased all is well. :0)

marly said...

Glad to hear this! But sorry about your stitching room.

DJ said...

Glad to hear everything turned out well! Sorry to hear about your craft room....I hope it will be fixed easily and inexpensively and you'll be back in your little niche before you can shake a stick!

deb said...

Very glad to hear the good news about the lump. Sorry about your stitching room and spot - crossing fingers that repair is easier/quicker than expected.

Stitching Noni said...

Good news! :o)
Sorry about the sewing room.... hope things are sorted out real soon!
Hugs x

butterfly said...

Well good news for you , but not about your leak.
My DH use to be a plasterer and knows all about those ceilings you may get away with part of the ceiling cut out but if it is old better to have a new ceiling .
Wishing you a much better week hugs.

Maggie said...

Glad you got good news, it's very worrying when you discover something like that.

Good luck with getting the ceiling fixed, i hope there wasn't too much water damage.

Julie said...

Good medical news, but oh not so good the leaky leak... hope its soon sorted and you are cosy and comfy back safely in your craft room.

Anonymous said...

Glad everything is ok with the medical issues. Sorry to hear about your sewing room, hope it can be fixed.

Bea said...

Glad the health news is good, but what an upset with the leak. No matter what the problem, plumbing repairs always cause disruption. Best wishes it isn't as bad as you fear.

Beth said...

Thanks for the update - I've been worried about you.

Maggee said...

VERY GLAD to hear there was not a reason for worry! Yay! But, then I crash and sigh for you in hearing the news about your new, nicely organized craft room! I hope they can fix it quickly, and you can get back to some semblance of order once again! Hugs!

Kaisievic said...

Any more news on the health front, dear Mouse?

Susana Laurencia said...

Great pictures and finishing on your stitching. Your friendship quilt will be lovely when completed.
