Tuesday 1 May 2012

Raindrops keep falling on my head la la la la

Hi everyone ... join in now with the singing ..lol ..... well as you can probably guess it is still raining at the mouse house and has been for quite awhile now ....in fact over on my group Friendly stitchers we have been talking about (amongst other things) building an ark, finding the yellow submarine and the snorkels and flippers as it has rained sooo much these last few weeks ..... we did have a small reprieve yesterday and the sun shone for long enough to get a few clothes on the line and dry  WHOOP !!
I've just put the kettle on for us all and there are plenty of biscuits to go round as DH and I went shopping on Sunday afternoon after picking my new mouse mobieell up  .... I am now the proud owner (well driver ..lol) of a Nissan Qashqui 12 plate in black ..... and it has  a glass roof too amongst other goodies ......need to think of a name for the new car too any suggestions ????
we tootled to the other side of York as DH wanted to go and pick something up from Pocklington ..... it was quite scary driving as every where was flooded and the rain was bucketing down ... we went over a few bridges where the water was level with the road !!!!!
After last weeks wonderful weekend of stitching ..... this week has seen a finish or two and working on a few projects through out the week  :) 
I finished putting together a wee Rak that is going out all being well in the post tomorrow and also Catherines goodies for being the Tusal winner for last year too .... just need to pack and label :) and wade out to the post office heheheh
I put the last stitches into Needle and thread by LHN last night and started the wee scissor fob that goes with it too ...I have been thinking how I want to finish the bed spread for my ginghers ( I do have the wee bed that goes with it ) and want to do it slightly different from the finishing that LHN did :)
I've worked some more on part three of my Dawn of spring sampler and have almost finished this section :) only 10 more days girls till you get it heheheh ;) and last night I actually dug out my "stitchers book " that I designed last year and worked on that .... yup I worked on a UFO heheheh ..... you will have to look closely to see what I have done .... ;0
I did do a bit on the Summer Splendor sal with Sally on Wednesday night and she has now probably finished it  as she wanted to get it done before she went in for her op .... we will  most likely work together on something else on her road to recovery :) we had bandied about the LHN and Shakespeare's peddler duo :)
On Tuesday the post man was really nice to me and brought me a wee prezzie from Rhona she had been out shopping and spied something that was just perfect :) a wonderful tea pot pin cushion in my colours .... well I just had to have a photo with it .....*VBG ... I actually opened one of my recent world of cross stitching no 189 and there was Rhona :) she designs for a lot of the magazines :)  I'm well connected you know hahahaha......

Well my postie has just brought me a lovely letter from DJ and the May cottage from LHN inside ... sooo I will just have to put that kettle on again and have a good read ;) any one else want another one ?????
whoops better put up some photos for you ..lol ...
my lovely new tea pot from Rhona 

the lid lifts up too ... just perfect :)

spot my wee robin :)

million bells take in the wee bit of sunshine on wednesday 

this was taken yesterday ... look how many have opened :)

Summer Splendor SAL with Sally 

Whooop Its finished  Needle and thread by LHN

just love that wol :)

can you see what I have stitched ...lol 

more blooms flowering :)

View from my craft room !!!
Sooo there you go folks this weeks update from the mouse house ..... hope every one is well and getting some stitching in too :)
take care and I will squeak to you all soon and looking forward to seeing all your stitchy updates :)
love mouse xxxxxx


stitchesnscraps said...

Congrats on the new wheels, Mouse! Sounds like a great vehicle! And that tea pot pin cushion is just the sweetest! Well done on all your finishes! Thanks for sharing! And I hope you dry out soon! I think you sent the rain to Canada, as it is supposed to rain all week here! Hopefully I will get some stitching done then!

Melissa J.

Ali said...

Oh lordy how cute is that teapot!!! your stitchies are gorgeous too - great photos xxx take care xx

Tricia said...

Cute teapot and wonderful stitching! No showing off in that new car now, like a proud teenager!! :)

Catherine said...

Oh I do hope you dry out before you end up floating away!! That teapot is adorable and all of your stitches look great. Enjoy your new car! Guess I will start stalking my postman soon! ;)

Autumn said...

Your updates are always so fun to read. Ah yes, rain. I do hope you dry out some. Too much of a good thing is too much!

A new car? Fun! Is it a he or she? You could name it flossy! Hehe

Carol said...

Sorry about all the rain you've been getting, but at least it's a good excuse to sit inside and stitch :)

The teapot from Rhona is so adorable!! Congratulations on your LHN finish and the Summer Splendor progress. Both look great.

Enjoy that new car of yours :)

Margaret said...

Oh that teapot is so cute! What a nice gift! Lovely stitching as always too. Congrats on the new car! I'm not good at coming up with names. Sounds like the rain is really happening there. Didn't they say the UK was in a drought?? :D

Vickie said...

Needle and Thread is really wonderful. So much rain! That tea pot is just so adorable. :)

Laurie in Iowa said...

Love the sweet teapot. I always enjoy your posts... lots of lovely photos and it's always fun to see what projects you're working on.
It does sound very soggy in the UK... hope the sun returns soon.
Enjoy your new car.

Sara said...

Congrats on the new wheels Mouse :D
The tea pot is so cute and should I say perfect to serve the many tea cups you have to fill in eheheh and I loved seeing you modelling the teapot ;)
You shouldn't complain much about the rain... at least you could see the sun yesterday, I haven't seen the big ball for a week now... only dark grey clouds and rain and rain and rain... I'll be needing the ark for sure the submarine might be a bit small to put all the x-stitch projects I would want to take with me eheheh


Sara said...

Congrats on the new wheels Mouse :D
The tea pot is so cute and should I say perfect to serve the many tea cups you have to fill in eheheh and I loved seeing you modelling the teapot ;)
You shouldn't complain much about the rain... at least you could see the sun yesterday, I haven't seen the big ball for a week now... only dark grey clouds and rain and rain and rain... I'll be needing the ark for sure the submarine might be a bit small to put all the x-stitch projects I would want to take with me eheheh


pam said...

The teapot is perfect! One can never go wrong with a new ride. Enjoy and find some new places to stash my friend.

Lesleyanne said...

Congrats on the new car. How about Penfold the sidekick of Danger"Mouse" he always wore a black suit and big black galsses. Sorry probably showing my age lol. Great progress on your wips. Lovely new teapot. Great pictures of your garden except the last one showing the rain, I've had enough of rain - it has done nothing but rain since they implemented a hosepipe ban in our region.

Michelle said...

Congratulations on the new car Mouse - love the inside smell of new cars. How about Nellie Nissan. In our home we have Meggy Merc and Sally Saab.
Love the teapot so cute and love your stitching pictures. x

♥ Nia said...

I can't wait for the Sun to shine in May!!!! :D
Ohhh your tea pot is just the cutest thing =) adorable!!
Happy Tuesday to you

Jenny said...

Hi Mouse - hope that you can keep your paws dry... LOL Congrats on your brand new car - how cool - souds like a really scary drive home though!
Your Summer Splendor is so pretty - love all the colors and a big congrats on your finished Scissors bed; too cute!!! (I have this on my "to-do-some-day-hopefully-not-too-far-away" list...)
Also, thanks for showing all the flower and garden pics. I always enjoy snooping in other people's gardens! LOL

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new car Mouse and wishing you many safe and happy hours driving her. Love your Needle and Thread its gorgeous and you've made good progress on all your pieces. I really love that teapot pincusion to cute for words.

Beth said...

The rain does make for good stitching weather and flowers like daffs last longer on grays days...

Denise SA said...

Lovely teapot and it can not break. How about Mousemobile ! Maybe you should have got a car that turns into a boat. Love all the stitching.

Thoeria said...

I love your cute teapot Ms Mouse! You're right - it's just perfect! Congrats on the new vroom vroom too :) I'm afraid I'm no help with a name though...I've had this car for just over 3 years now and it's still just "the car" :P Oh how's that for strange...you're sitting with our rain I think! We've gone from autumn straight back ti summer weather this last week...very strange indeed! I think you need to come and visit :)

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Your tea pot pin cushion is so cute!
Take care,

geeky Heather said...

I am in love with that teapot pincushion!! Your WIPs all are very lovely. I hope they don't float away before you can finish them!! =)

Bertie said...

Oh I do love your teapot, fabulous. The stitching pieces are great too:)
Yes the rain never seems to stop, and scary driving in this weather, take care:)
Love the robin, and your clematis looks really good despite the downpours.
Maybe some sun this week, fingers xxx

gracie said...

Oh...good wishes for the new Mouse Wheels.....and love the tea pot.

Linda said...

What a neat teapot. It looks real. Congrats on the finish and the rest of your stitching.


Daffycat said...

Your nose is a LOT bigger than I thought it'd be =P

Congratulations on the new car!

Mel said...

Oooh nice car - so when's the slow cruise around town to show it off?

LOVE LOVE the teapot! THat is soooo cute!

EvalinaMaria said...

I found the yellow submarine!

And I love your tea pot so much that I have to make one... where oh where I can find some hints or instructions...


Ziggyeor said...

Hrm, I was hoping for a pic of the car. I didn't name my red Mazda 3 but I think of my blue Mazda 3 hatchback as my TARDIS :)
Love the projects and the blooms but I hope it gets sunnier for you.

Christine said...

It has certainly been wet! Your stitching looks great and I love the teapot pincushion.
Enjoy your new car

Veronica said...

Oh, that is so cool. I love that teapot pincushion! Hmm... Wonder if I could somehow sew myself one. LOL!

Summer Splendor is going great. I saw that Sally has finished hers on her blog. Needle and Thread is so cute.

Love all your flower pictures. Looks like they sure are loving the rain ^.^

Susan said...

Sounds like you have been busy despite the deluge. Congratulations on the new car. The teapot is tooooo cute! Your stitching, as always, is beautiful. The million bells are not a flower that I am familiar with but it is very pretty and must look amazing when it is all blooming.

Sally said...

Love your teapot Mouse! It's so cute.

Congratulations on the new car:)

Your Summer Splendor is coming along. I've really enjoyed stitching with you and look forward to doing it again soon :)

Love your Needle and Thread. Isn't it a lovely stitch?

Wonder how much rain we're going to get! may is supposed to be a cold, horrible month.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Congrats on your new ride - sounds lovely! Enjoy. You know, I've never named a vehicle... most do. Beautiful blooms from all that nice rain. Splendor is in splendid colors! The bed is almost complete for your scissors to slip into. Yeah!

Anne said...

What a great, busy week you've had!! A new car!! Whoohoo!! No clue what to call cars seeing as I don't drive *shrugs shoulders*!!! Love that wee tea pot from Rhona! I've been blogging friends with her since I started blogging. She's the best and has loads of great ideas for finishing :D

What a pretty wee robin you have...and the flowers...and your craft room...and, sigh, your gorgeous orchids!!!

Lovely stitching too. I'm loving the blue you used in the LHN design!!


Deb said...

Oh, how I love that teapot. So cute.

Congratulations on the new car!!! And I hope that it stops raining soon. The only good thing about rain is that maybe you can stay inside and stitch away.

Tigermouse said...

Hi Mouse, I've just found your blog though another blog I follow - The Social Cross Stitcher - and was so intrigued I just had to join. I'm not arty or crafty in any way but it was your Blog title and name which attracted me - I absolutely love mice, I collect mouse ornaments and one of my current cats is called Mouse. Looks like you've got some great pics on your blog, I'm looking forward to a good read later on when I have time to sit down with a brew.

BrendaS said...

Summer Splendor looks great. Hopefully it will stop raining soon and you can enjoy some sunshine:) Needle and Thread looks fabulous too!

Valma said...

I share your title !!!
fed up with all this rain !
it seems that the whole Europe is under the rain !!
fortunately there are some events that give smile and sun in our days =D
You received a wonderful gift from Rhona !!
I love
happy stitching
big hugs

Nicola said...

We have had an amazing amount of rain this last week. It is hard to believe that we have hosepipe bans around the country !!!! Read in the Mail that the water companies have been selling off reservoirs to developers.

Jan Gartlan said...

I have had a lot of rain at my house too on the other side of the world. Cute stitching progress. I love the girl lying in bed!

Julie said...

Safe journeys in your new wheels.
The LHN is a super finish.
Cure little teapot, I have a similar one on my blog header that my brother bought me and use it at the side of my stitching chair with 'stuff' in it!

Brigitte said...

These masses of rain seem to be anywhere in the UK at the moment according to the blogs, or maybe it has become somewhat better the last days - at least I hope so.
That little tea pot is gorgeous. I'm always amazed about how creative some stitchers and crafters are.
Love your WIPs. Great progress pictures.

Ziggyeor said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog, next time I will give you more warning about my b-day :p I celebrate my unbirthday's too if that's ok ;) Also, my anny is June 5th. :D

Joysze said...

Whoah!!! Love the mouse-pin-pot.

HEY!!! Your orchids are blooming!!! Purdy, purdy!! :D

TinaTx said...

Congrats on the new wheels! I still haven't named mine and I've had her almost 3 months.
Cute little teapot!
We had some rain last night - thought it was supposed to rain all day today so I planned on staying in, of course the sun has been out all afternoon. Will probably be a gulley-washer tomorrow when we get out to get wood and paint.