Sunday 1 January 2012

Let the Craziness begin :)

Hi every one :) hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas and a very merry new year 2012 .... I hopefully have visited all that are on my blog reader over the hols to say hello etc  sooo if I have missed any one * yoo hooo happy new year
sooooo here we are at a new year ... new goals ... new cups to drink your tea / coffee/hot chocolate out off ???
I suggest you go and grab a cuppa and some yummies we could be here a while heheheehh 

well after looking at my stitchy list for last year I did extremely well on the stitching and finishing of things off ..... approx of the top of my head 61 finishes (some were extremely little) and only a few things to finish off which I will concentrate on while  after starting my new crazies of 2012
I have a few prizes to get finished and on their way along with a few surprises for my followers in the pipe line *VBG

soooo before I forget I really must thank my fellow stitchy friends for the wonderful presents I received off them for Christmas , Chris stitched me a pin cushion from BBD , Michelle stitched me a lovely pillow from the trilolgy RR and gave me a lovely dragon floss called snowflake ...Sheila made me a cute knitted mouse , Val made me a beautiful bracelet and send a lovely thread with it too :) Karen got me a lovely little chatelaine needle holder  ... Kath  got me a lovely wall hanging to stitch and make up ... already thought what thread to use on it :) Niina sent me a moomin tin full of teas and sweeties ... yummmm ... having to fight my DD for the tin though heheheh  and finally Fiona  sent me the cutest girl mouse and some little candy canes and goodies to make a marshmallow hot chocolate    yummmmmmmmm .... thank you sooo much and there is some still on its way travelling across the pond :)

I would also like to thank all my other blogging buddies for keeping me sane and on the straight and narrow and for being the nicest peeps around .. you know who you are (((((HUGE HUGS)))) to you all :)

ok on to the eye candy and nope Joyze no hunks here am afraid I shall leave that to you heheheheh 
with out further ado here is my new start and my prezzies  :)
Winter Whites finished and made up :)

first crazy start of 2012

from Niina :)

designed and stitched by me :)

goodies from raffle with the stitchy girls here 

mouse and goodies from Fiona :)

from Michelle

mouse from Sheila , pin cushion from Chris
and Bracelet and thread from Val

Tea from DD2 :)

From Kath 

oooo as I was adding the photos forgot about the finish finish of Winter whites into a simple cushion and also a  biscornu I designed for Inky and decided to stitch it myself  and in there is the Yummy teas from Whittards that are my yearly treat :)  as well as the Christmas raffle I won from the stitchy girls I meet up with each week ... a lovely drawn thread chart and frame .....
On Boxing day my DH cousin's came and Helen is a wonderful painter of animals she couldn't wait to have a look at my stitching and has actually commissioned me to stitch her the Souvenir Sampler by Drawn Thread so I shall be stitching it twice ... once in silks for her and in DMC for me ....and in return she is going to paint me a oil painting of my  furbabies Bracken and Monty who are no longer with me ... it was something I wanted doing but could never afford to have done at the time ..... so a wonderful situation all round ... she was really impressed with my stitching *vbg*  sooo please send me some steaming needles and good wishes etc to get all this lot done 

oooo almost forgot sarah over at crafty moo is having a giveaway :)

Well I had better go and get something done now so I shall squeak to you all tomorrow .... take care and happy stitching 
lots of love mouse xxxxxx


Susan said...

Love the finish for Winter Whites and I need to find that pattern. Wonderful gifts - you do have some wonderful stitching friends. Great start on the crazies. 61 finishes!?!? That's amazing! I am coming to terms with the fact that I will not have that sort of output until I retire (or win the lottery)!

cucki said...

hello dear, lovely finish..i love it so much..beautiful gifts from the friends..lovely start on the first stitching..
have fun..
love cucki xx

Sandi Jo said...

Lovely gifts! Happy New Year!

Ali said...

Happy New Year!!! Lots of great pics to drool over - loving the cushion xx Sounds like you'll have a busy new year - take care, hugs xx

Tricia said...

Happy New Year Mouse! Great job on your first Crazy start! I thought I recognized that biscornu!! I like your Winter White finish. The pillow is a good idea that I might just have to borrow! : )

Peggy Lee said...

Very sweet gifts. OH my those little mice are absolutely adorable!
I could never get that many things completed in 2 years not to think of just 1. Way to go!

Thoeria said...

Yikes mouse.....61 finishes! Your needles must be tired out :)
Great gifts there - and absolutely love the Winter Whites finish.
Good start on your crazy too!
I'm looking forward to seeing your Souvenir Sampler. Your DH's cousin does amazing painting! Just peeked at some of her pics.

Parsley said...

Just squeaking by to tell you HAPPY NEW YEAR. Love all the stitched goodies. They are so inspiring to see. I brought in the New Year stitching and will have a finish tomorrow. WHA HOO! Gotta love that!

Maggie said...

Winter Whites looks wonderful Mouse!
You had some great gifts too :-)

Good luck with your crazy challenge, you are a brave girl, i get stressed just thinking about it, lol.

Happy New Year!

Michelle said...

Ooooo I love Winter Whites it looks stunning - oh no another one to add to my 2012 list then eh!

You had some lovely and well deserved gifts xx

Catherine said...

Great goodies and gifts! Things have been good at the mouse house! Here's to more stitchiness in 2012!

Coco Cross Stitcher said...

what a great blog yopu have with some lovely things on. I have become your newest follower. happy new year
x catherine

Beth said...

Happy New Year Michelle - I look forward to reading your blog in 2012!~

Karyn said...

Happy New Year, sweet dear Mouse!

Your gifties are gorgeous and what a true and dear friend you are to so many to receive such love...I for one adore you.

Your stitching this past year is beyond wonderful and has inspired me along the way.

Hugs and kisses, dear friend

Lesleyanne said...

Happy New Year Mouse. I love your winter whites finish. You have received some gorgeous gifts.

Julie said...

Super goodies..
How exiting to barter your gift of stitching for the gift of a painter, I'll look forward to seeing both of the finishes during the year.
Happy 2012

EvalinaMaria said...

What a great way to start New Year! Lovely finish, lovely start and lovely gifts.

butterfly said...

Great stitching and gifts, Here's to a great 2012 stitching year.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh golly what a great set of presents! I love that Winter Whites! Gorgeous! Merry New Year!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Lovely finish, new start and wonderful gifties. Enjoy!

pam said...

I am thinking you are spoiled my dear! What wonderful finishes from your friends and just love Winter Whites. Stitching DT twice should be no real challenge. CZ's designs just fly by to me.

Margaret said...

Love your finish! Love the new start too -- it's so pretty! And so many presents! Wow! Lucky you! Happy New Year!

DJ said...

Oh, Ms Mouse!! What lovely gifts you have!! Love the finish, you've done a lovely job finishing it off!! Love the new start, you've gotten quite a bit done, it looks lovely!! How nice you have something to exchange for a tribute to your fur babies! *Hugs* Can't wait to see your work! Happy New Year, my friend, I hope your year is full of health, happiness and unexpected blessings! *Hugs*

Carol said...

You must have been a very good little mouse this year to receive so many lovely gifts! May 2012 bring you much love and laughter and lots of stitching time...

Ruth said...

Welcome to 2012, Mouse! May the year be as successful for you as 2011.... such great progress and such cool goodies. :)

Happy New Year!

Shelleen said...

Everything looks great. Great start to the Crazy January Challenge.

Anonymous said...

Sixty one, you must be the queen of speedy stitching!Well done! Love all your gifts, every one of them is gorgeous!
Happy New year!

Deborah said...

Great new start and wonderful gifts!

Christine said...

Your Winter Whites finish is gorgeous. Some lovely gifts there too.
Happy New Year

Unknown said...

What a wonderful start to the challenge you made, great work at that rate you'll be finished by the end of April ;D
Love the presents and a great finish to Winter Whites.

Ziggyeor said...

Lovely finishes. Great start on your crazy Jan too. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love your little stitchy house mouse.

Mary Ann said...

Such a pretty finish, and very lovely gifts that you received!!

Happy New Year!

Sarah said...

Looks like there's lots going on at your place! Beautiful gifts, I'm sure you'll put them all to good use. Happy New Years to you and your family!

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Waouh! I love too much your Winter Whites. It's too cute.
Lovely gifts from your friends.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

It's been such a treat to look up and see that a note has come in from mouse! I've enjoyed watching your progress along through the year as well! Love that Winter White ornie finish - great job! Here's to a happy and stitchy 2012!

♥ Nia said...

Happy New Year!!! May 2012 be a great year for everyone :)
I'm Nia, I'm a new follower on your blog!

Kate said...

Love your Winter Whites finish, great presents too.

Jenny said...

Wow - you got some serious lovlies! Congrats on all the goodies and thanks so much for sharing!

Meari said...

Wow, awesome mail goodies!!

Happy New Year, Mousie :)

Veronica said...

Whoa! 61 finishes? You go, girl! Lovely pressies. Eye candy indeed. Unfortunately, Joyce has not posted pics of hunks for a while now :( Maybe we should start bugging her to do so :P


TinaTx said...

Love the finish on Winter Whites! Lovely goodies you have there.
I have Souvenir Sampler in my stash - I haven't mustered up the ump to stitch it once, let alone twice! You go girl!

Anne said...

What lovely gifts you received Mouse!! Love the biscornu you designed and stitched up!!! That pillow you made is adorable!! Good luck with the craziness!!!