Sunday 15 January 2012

AND I did it ;)

stitch on each days new crazy project  that is heheheheh
hellloooo every one ... brrrrrr it has been very chilly and frosty here at the mouse house .. the sun has tried to come out but didn't do much to raise the temp soooo I stayed indoors to day :)
Bentley has got rather big headed over his fan club ... he even wanted his own blog he has kindly posed for some photos yesterday and today for his adoring fans  and even went to sleep for me in my room long enough for me to stitch on today's final crazy .....

But I digress ..... yesterdays crazy needs to be squeaked about first sooooo have you got your cuppa's ready and you comfy ??? then I shall begin .....
I started the Bloom Sampler by Threadwork Primitives  ... stitching it on 28 count lambswool with the recommended threads ... I loved this chart when it was about earlier on last year and I was lucky enough to win it, in a goody box from Terri so it was one of the first ones into my crazy list :)

I shall tell you this while you are still sitting down, so you don't fall off in shock and spill precious cuppa's over the screen but ....... I actually stitched on my Romantique Sampler to try and get it totally finished asap .... yup I worked on a UFO hehheheh .... so I shall show you a progress photo in a mo :)

Yesterday I decided in my infinite wisdom to sort out the corner cupboard with all my cleaning stuff in .. I had bought some small plastic baskets to put things in so that it would be easier to get stuff out for other peeps too :) and cooooo you know when you think, should I really have started this heheheheh ... it took me all last night and today to get it done with a inquisitive pooch trying to help me wipe the shelves down .... it is now all shiny and tidy ... for now 

today dawned early as per and as I was trying to get my emails up to date I had a little helper wanting a cuddle ... luckily the camera was to hand to take the odd photo or two 
I tried numerous of times to sit down and put the thread in the needle and start today's project but a small bundle of fun kept saying I'm here .... I finally managed about 2.30 this afternoon to stitch  when I had brought his cushion and blankie into the craft room for him to have a snooze on ... my little froggy was gob smacked that was all I had managed, when I took the photo heheheheh ......... can you guess which chart it is ????? 

in at 14 Bloom Sampler Threadwork Samplers

part 20 Romatique Sal update 

yep that was I all I managed

yup it was "Needles" of Cherrywood Designs stitching on beige weeks dye works  gingham fabric with Cranberry Gast thread :)
sooo here you go ,some awwww photos  for you all ...
morning cuddle with me

ain't those paws adorable

am tiredddddd 

ohhhh nooo not the camera again 



soooo that's all the crazy  starts for this years challenge all done .... there are a few more to start later on once I've got a few smalls done and dusted for a few peeps that are waiting ...  won't be long honest heheheh 
sooo hopefully next time I blog there will be lots of eye candy to look at, fingers crossed a small furry pooch with let me heheheh....
soooo until next time take care and happy stitching :)
love mouse xxxxxx


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

My goodness you have worked on all your wonderful WIPS, cleaned and tidied your home too! What a dynamo! :) and what a sweetie poochie :)

the striped rose said...

I loooove puppies!

cucki said...

Sweet puppy:)and wonderful Stitchy projects xxx

Michelle said...

Oh Wow Mouse you have been busy. Lovely pictures thanks for sharing them x

MoonBeam said...

Yes, Mouse, your stitching is great...but I really came to visit Bentley! (only kidding, but thanks for an above average puppy fix today). His bed is perfect for him.


And This Little Pig said...

Congrats Mouse you did so well. Bentley is looking even more adorable. You have not taken enough photos yet, he hasn't learnt to close his eyes when he hears the camera start to click :@ Trust me my cats know, and I'm sure Meah rolls her eyes :@
LiBBiE in Oz

Catherine said...

You've certainly been busy! Everything looks good and aaawwww....what a cute pup!

Margaret said...

It's been fun watching all your new starts -- and the WIPs too! Bentley is such a cutie! He definitely needs a fan club. lol!

Solstitches said...

Congrats. on keeping up with the new starts challenge.
Your Romantique sampler is gorgeous.
Bentley is very cute and steals the show.

Ranae said...

hip! hip! hip! for you for stitching all the days.
I love just love Romatique WIP
Adorable puppy

Mary Ann said...

You have been busy!! All of your stitching is lovely as always!

pandy said...

Bentley is super cute, I love those paws too!

And here is what you asked for, it's not my fault what you do with this after haha.

Lesleyanne said...

Great progress on your crazy challenge. Gorgeous photos of Bentley - he's a real cutie.

Autumn said...

I adore puppies and Bentley makes my heart pitter patter!

Nice stitching!

Karyn said...

You are inspiring, Miss Mouse! I am tuckered out just reading your post as you have been very busy...I just love a good cleaning project :)
I am so proud of you for making it to the finish line of the challenge....brilliant! Your WIPs are all looking fabulous and the colors...OMW!!!
I just adore Bently and you can tell just how much he adores you, Mum. I know the feeling is mutual for you two.

butterfly said...

Little cutie looks sleepy bless him.
Nice starts, you have done well.

Susan said...

Congratulations on all your starts. They are all beautiful and I will definitely enjoy watching your progress on them. Puppy paws are too cute.

Tricia said...

YAY for you! I'm sure Froggy was just feeling bad that he didn't get to help you (un)stitch anything. :) I had to look up the Bloom Sampler to see which one it was. It's cute!!!! I'll watch for you to finish that one. :)

Give Bentley a snuzzle for me!


Barbara said...

Wow!! Bentley is growing fast and he is just adorable. Love the romantic sampler you are doing. That's one I wish I had signed up for.

Susieq said...

Oh the puppy is sooo cute. Please give that adorable one a cuddle for me.

Anne said...

Bentley should have his own blog! He is super cute. I love how he snoozes all the time, like he's burnt out from all the snoozing and love!!

Lovely starts for you! Can't guess the sampler though...I would need more!!

Now I need to go grab a cup of either tea or coffee so I can continue stitching Jane!


Ps doesn't it feel wonderful to get things organized like the cleaning cupboard!?!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Two of my favorite things... stitching projects and a sweet puppy.

Rita said...

You've been busy!

Everything looks great and I love your "stitching buddy".

Rhona said...

Oooo, you have been busy, especially with an adorable pooch to distract you!

Peggy Lee said...

Love all your stitching! You are really a busy little mouse.
You have an adorable helper too!

Ziggyeor said...

oh the joy of stitching with a new pooch. I'm kinda glad my ferret can go back in the cage when he gets to stealing my bags.

Great progress.

Krista said...

wow, what a lot of stitching you have done, they all look fabulous. And awwwwwww, Bentley is adorable!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats for making it through the crazy-ness!

The puppy is so cute!

Minnie said...

Congratulations on keeping up with the crazy 15 you did a good job. Bentley has your heart wrapped around his little paw and mine too.

Christine said...

Congratulations on finishing the crazy challenge, you've made a great start on Bloom and it's nice to see Romantique making an appearance again

mdgtjulie said...

Grats on the final crazy starts Mouse. I'm trying to catch up on emails too, and keep caught up on blogs!! Not doing so hot, but I have hopes. Your pooch looks like an oasis of contentment. He's adorable. Hope you're having a great morning this morning!!

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Love your puppy, Bentley is so cute!

Nicola said...

Bentley looks as if he has settled in well. When I tidy up my sewing room I can never find anything afterwards.

Denise SA said...

Your Puppy is adorable and can see why you might not have so much time for stitching.I read through you earlier blogs I had some how missed.
Lots of lovely starts.

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

You have been busy, and with an adorable puppy in the house - I don't know how you got any stitching done - when Indy was a puppy, it was almost impossible to stitch!

Julie said...

Well done starting all of the challenge pieces. Exciting times ahead watching them develop.

Mylene said...

Great new starts and ohhh so cute puppy!!

stitchesnscraps said...

Yay! Your Romantic Sampler is lovely! And all your Crazies are wonderful! Can't t wait to see more! Master Bentley is so darn cute, I don't know how you manage to get any stitching done! lol! Thanks for sharing all your progress, and pics of the sweetie!

Melissa J.

Thoeria said...

Oh goody for you doing some work on your Romantique! And a start is a start - now the work really starts :) Bentley is as adorable as always :)

Maureen said...

whoop whoop - congrats on getting to day 15!

Milly~ said...

Bentley is just adorable! I've never been much for pets since I didn't have any growing up but I have bonded in the past few weeks with my daughter's mini Yorkie.

Siobhán said...

Your pup is just TOO adorable!! Lovely progress on the stitching--everything looks great!

Little Miss Stitchy Stitch said...

Your puppy is gorgeous!!! Snuggle, snuggle. Anyway, I digress. Your stitching is beautiful and I really love your blog :)

BeckySC said...

You go girl! Your WIP's are great!
WE (dd and I) LOVE your puppy :) :)
hugs to you dear mouse :)

Veronica said...

Bentley is STILL so adorable... not just his paws :P Everything about him is just awwwww... LOL! Good job on your WiPs :)


raised by cross stitching wolves said...

Wonderful stitching! Your romantique sampler is exquisite! and the fluffy friend is just adorable, makes me want puppy kisses ;-) ~ Lorraine

Sally said...

Well done on all those crazy starts Mouse! Lovely seeing your Romantique Sampler again. It is so pretty.

Awww more cutie photos. He is just adorable.

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