hope every one is well and been busy stitching , crafting etc etc etc .
I've had a busy few weeks with visiting and meeting up with friends so where do i start :)
Well last Tuesday morning DH and I became the proud grandparents to .....eventually 13 baby chickens...lol, they are real sweeties and here is the first born :)

The meets ups started on Tuesday night when I travelled down to my friends Maureen 's early evening just in time for a late tea which was very scrummy :)...... we nattered as usual into the wee small hours while sat looking through her "tidy" stash in her attic room :) it was lovely to see it nearly all organised well done girl :)
We had to get up fairly early the next day as we were travelling to Bakewell to meet up with out friends Abi , Nancy and baby Isla and Yvonne :)
The route was lovely to drive, the sun shone not a cloud in the sky and we didn't get lost one bit and that was without the map book or a sat nav :)... we managed to get a parking spot and found Abi lurking upstairs browsing in the Wye Needlecrafts shop looking at the threads and charts galore.
Abi had brought "The Embroideress"with her so we could compare the Danish flower thread as we both had something different and we wanted to have something that would blend in better with the colours that was used for the rest of the piece ...... I decided eventually after much debating on Caron wildflowers Mardis Gras as the best option for mine :) and I am so proud of myself as I actually kept within my budget of £25.00 altogether of goodies :) oooooo how good was I ?????
Nancy and her mum and Isla turned up not long after we did and as it was near to lunch time we decided to go and find somewhere were we could get a bite to eat and drink and a sit down :) which we did and spent a pleasant few hours chatting away merrily and would have stayed there if it wasn't for the fact we needed to go back to the shops and un stiffen from sitting down so long ..lol
After another pleasant few hours and another visit to a lovely tea rooms we had to call it a day as we all had a fair way to travel back to home. I can't wait to meet up again :)

Right if you have managed to get this far I'm really impressed I think you all deserve a cuppa :)
I have managed to do some more on the Celtic Autumn but haven't taken an up to date progress picture so I shall remedy that next time :) oooo i did manage to make some birthday cards too so I shall show them next time too..... as I have just realised the time and I think I have waffled on enough for now ..lol
Take care one and all and I shall see you all soon :)
love mouse xxxxx
Your chicks are lovely, so cute. Was a shame I couldn't make it to Bakewell as mum was babysitting the kids but the car ended up at Parkgate in Perrys..argh! Must make one of the humbugs as they're so nice.
Yeah you missed a lovely day and you could have travelled down with me if we had thought on :( ... humbugs are really nice to make I just ran out of enough fabric to make a 4th which was a shame. hope car is ok ???
Those are the cutest humbugs - and those babies - how precious are they? You do such a great stitching job!!
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