Thursday 7 December 2017

Christmas Blog Hop 2017 Day 7

Hellloooo every one ..... in case you can't remember is me mouse ... you know the one that has all the cuppas and cookies
I am participating in Jo's Christmas Blog Hop again and the theme this year is Boxing Day and your traditions along with a photo that represents this time ..
Sooo having wracked my wee brains.... on boxing days in the past our family used to have a very lazy day, starting with a long walk with the dogs and coming back and  finishing off any leftover food  and generally chilling , sometimes we would finish off board games that we had started the day before such as monopoly or jigsaws depending on what the DD's got for Christmas, sometimes it was the only day that we got to see DH over the festive period due to his work in them days .. boy that makes me sound old hahahaha
When the girls had gone to bed I just did a bit of stitching while watching Morecombe and Wise or some other good comedy programs that used to be on in the good old days of only 4 channels to choose from and probably munching on some Christmas Cake ...and with a cuppa or two, somethings have never changed hahahaha
I shall leave you with a couple of pictures from Google of snakes and ladders and monopoly ....for a wee bit of nostalgia :)

I will be back with a long overdue update asap :) love mouse xxxxxx


butterfly said...

Well your post took me back in time , it was so much fun then don't you think .
Enjoy your day sweet mouse.

Maggie said...

Yep, that was pretty much our Boxing Day too, just a nice chill out day

Vickie said...

So good to see a post from you Mouse! Now do come back quick!!

Anonymous said...

Been missing having a cuppa with you, Mouse! Lazy Boxing days seem to be the norm :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Wot no stitching?!!

Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year. Your Boxing Day sounds pretty much like our's, only we only had 3 channels when I were a lass.

DJ said...

I'm surprised you didn't say you mouth is hanging open here in astonishment!! LOL Actually your Boxing Day sounds perfect, and just what I wish we did here. A day of togetherness with family and/or friends. We usually get a game for Christmas too, and spend the day playing. Last year it was "Deer in the Headlights" which turned out to be a really fun game! I wonder what this year will bring? Either way, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, and that you get a chance to stitch this year! *Hugs*

Meari said...

We don't celebrate Boxing Day here in the US so it's interesting to read about it and others' traditions.

Astrids dragon said...

Sounds like a wonderful Boxing Day, relaxing and having fun.
Happy Christmas, dear Mouse!

Katie said...

I'm popping by on the blog hop. Thanks for sharing. Playing board games is always fun.

rosey175 said...

Board games sound like a great way to spend the day after Christmas! I dunno about Monopoly though; that usually ends in a family feud hahaha :D

Brigitte said...

Nice to read about your Boxing Day traditions. We don't have Boxing Day here but we have two Christmas holidays. And the second holiday has always been a very lazy day in my family. Reading and also a bit of stitching is the plan ...

jocondine said...

Great to visit you with the Advent Calendar. Nice games, we don't have the snakes and ladders game here, love it. Joyeux Noël ! xxx

Elfie said...

I enjoyed my visit today. It was a trip down memory lane for me!

Sheryl said...

Thank you for the memories - exactly mine. although I remember a big tin of Quality Street being passed around while playing board games :-)

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

I enjoyed my visit.I play Snakes and Ladders with our grandsons now.I still love board games.
Merry Christmas

Anna van Schurman said...

Sorry to be visiting so late, but the Christmas crush was crazy. We always (up until my sister married a man who was a sore loser AND a sore winner!) got games for Christmas that we would play on Christmas and Boxing Day too.