Sunday 27 September 2015

A perfect pumpkin day

Hi peeps :) please pull up your chair and grab a cuppa ..... today was a perfect Pumpkin day ..... many of you know of Pumpkin our friend and fellow stitcher who touched many lives with her kindness and her wonderful stitching as well as her bloggy posts of life as she knew it ... about her and Junior (who will be starting play school or pre school by now )and other things .. she was a wonderful photographer too :) when she began to be really poorly the blogging world decided today the 27th of September we would fill our blogging posts with pumpkins to show her the love from all of us .... and we did , she saw the posts and was touched but was too poorly to respond herself ,we found this out later .....
today was also a month since my dads passing so I lit a candle in memory for both of them in the votive jar I got for Pumpkin just after she passed.
The weather started out foggy today then cleared for a wonderful warm and sunny autumnal day .... and I went for a drive to see Frances and the route was lined with trees of many hues of green and gold and russet and copper with the sun dappling over the tops of them to begin with , and the foggy mist was present in the lower parts of the valleys I drove through to get to her ... it was a lovely drive :)
I took to Frances's my RR that our group is going to stitch on , I chose the "Sweetness of Life" (translation ) by Jardin Prive which I brought from the Patchwork rabbit when I was perusing the site for something for the RR and I thought that this was rather apt with a lady stitching on it :) It is being stitched on Sparklies slightly nutty (rather apt again 32 count linen with the recommended threads ...., so it is now on its long journey around the world and I will see it back again next year now .... I loved stitching this and actually didn't want to let it go ..... but I was brave and passed it over quick before I changed my mind 
I also took with me the needlecase that I am stitching for my partner Ann from the Friendly Stitchers and I am on the home straight with the finishing sooo hopefully it will be on its merry way to her and then I can show you :) I stitched on it while I was there after having our lunch outside as it was a gorgeous day , I have bobbed up a photo of the lovely one I received from Ann which is now residing on my stitching box waiting to be used, when I am stitching in my chair :)... I even managed to take some photos of the robin and bluetit that turned up to say hello and also some of Frances's lovely garden flowers too ... when I got home I messed about with the settings on the camera and touched up a few with the creative settings ... that was wayyyy cool ... loved the results on the camera hope they look good larger for you ....

 I have this last week been busy sorting out my craft room and even managed to sit down and stitch in there too, go me ... fingers crossed and paws willing I may be able to show it to you finished the next post  ....!!!! it has been a nice relaxation from work.
I told Master Bentley that his fan club was missing him soooo he kindly posed for you all out on his walk to springy parks ...  sooo on that cheerful note I had better get the photos ready for you :)
my lovely needlecase from Ann of Friendly Stitchers

candle for Pumpkin and my dad

Mr Robin saying hello

loved this movement shot

surprised to have his photo taken 

gorgeous autumnal day 

messing about with the settings 

star effect

one colour effect 

star filter 

one colour

soft focus

one colour

start filter ... I was having way to much fun doing these :)

and posing for his adoring fans :)

supper moon with starlight filter ....

Sweetness of life by Jardin Prive my RR 2015

soooo there you have my week in a nutshell .... refill any one ??? hopefully by the next post I will be able to show you more stitching or a least some finished finishing .... or even the room done ... wish me luck ;)  wishing you all a wonderful stitching week , take care one and all :) love mouse xxxxx


gracie said...

Wonderful pictures...belly rub for the pooch.

Daffycat said...

A lovely post, Mouse!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

I remember Pumpkin well and think about her and miss her courageous posts. The needle case Ann sent you is lovely, as are all your pics!

Beth said...

Like your pumpkin light to remember your Dad and Cathy. Love photos Michelle - you know I love birds and flowers. I need to learn more
about my camera and mess with settings. Your oak / acorn needlecase is divine!

Sally said...

What a lovely post Mouse. Love the pumpkin you lit in remembrance if Pumpkin and your Dad. Hard to believe it is already a month since your Dad passed.

Your photos are beautiful. I need to get the ones I took yesterday sorted. DH was trying to teach me how to use manual!

Beautiful needlecase from Ann.

Love the RR. X

Annette-California said...

I too remember Pumpkin and think of her. Love the candle you lit honoring her and your dad! Precious! Loved your beautiful post.
Beautiful needlebook from Ann.
love Annette

Meari said...

What a wonderful day! Lovely photos.

Tricia said...

Beautiful pictures, Mouse! I would love to see one of those robins in person someday!!

Cricket-bug Corner said...

Love the bird pictures!! Lovely post!

Vickie said...

Such gorgeous pictures you have taken! Mabel and Henry say hello to Bentley!

Brigitte said...

A lovely tribute to Cathey.
I love the neelecase Ann made for you. Very fall-ish with the colourful leaves on it. Great bird pictures.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Ooohhh, beautiful stitching on the RR! I love Ann's needlecase too :D

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Gorgeous needlecase from Ann and a great start on your RR.
I love your pumpkin votive, the perfect way to remember Cathie and your Dad too.
Lovely nature photos.

Denise SA said...

Love the photos and the stitching. And thank you for sending the photos of mr Bentley

DJ said...

What a lovely needlebook! I finally finished mine up today, it's been a fun exchange! Lovely stitching, can't wait to get my hands on your RR!! What a lovely pattern! Give Bentley a pat for me. Love all the different way you can play with your pictures, you take such beautiful ones! What a sweet way to remember your Dad and Cathy. *Hugs*

Julie said...

Beautiful needelcase from Ann and your new RR is devine, what a lovely chart for the others to stitch.
Super pics you captured, love the blue tits facial expression ... that's great.
A perfect votive for your remembrance of loved ones.
{hugs} xxx

Carol said...

It's hard to believe Cathey has been gone for almost two years now--she was such a special part of out stitching community...

Love, love, love your British robins--they are SO much cuter than our American ones :) Lovely photo of Master Bentley, too--I think he may be getting a bit full of himself with all of his adoring fans!

Maggee said...

Great update Mouse! I look forward to seeing some of your stitching soon! That needlebook looks so nice! Isn't it cool how your robins are different than over here? And I just love the bushtit... such a cute face, and the colors are gorgeous! Two of my faves: blue and yellow! I played around with the settings on MY camera the night of the super moon too... Got a few fair shots, but it was terribly far away for my poor camera! What I did get were over a dozen bug bites! Ugh! Ahhh... there is Master Bentley! hello doggie! Thanks for sharing with us! Hugs!

Stitching Noni said...

Hi Mouse! Time has a funny way off moving on and every now and then we need to stop and think about those no longer with us.... I do so often think about Pumpkin and Junior. I hope you are doing ok too after your Dad's passing....
Love the photos with those great effects...
Take care and big hugs to you and Bentley xx

Steph said...

Such a beautiful post. I especially love the photos of the robin. XOX