Sunday 27 April 2014

Its been a busy few weeks

Hi folks :) hope you are all well and enjoying the last bit of the weekend ... well it is here at the mouse house as I am typing this ... the kettle is on and there are a few goodies around if you are quick to get one .... I think you had better pull up a chair and grab your brew , this may be a long post with one or two photos heheheheh ;)
Hmmmm where to start .... I had a few hours to myself this afternoon and thought I would set too and get the competition piece  finished finished(the one designed by Isabella of The Primitive Hare ) so that I got it done on time ... and I am pleased with the result .... I was inspired by Nan  of the Threadwork Primitives fame (ooo see the name dropping hahahah)  and decided to make mine into a hussif sooo armed and dangerous with a large pair of scissors, pins, lace and trims I set too and made my very own hussif to hang in the  craft room :) 
I have also done some more on the La d Da piece and started the month of April in the Travelling Pattern over on the Friendly Stitchers group , I even managed to get all the pieces cut and overlocked (serged) ready for when I start the others ... decided to do them all on 28 count Bone even weave as I want to make this up into a quilt for my new craft room all being well .. (this is still on the waiting to see the solicitors route atm and hopefully Wednesday we will know more on how it is progressing )
Last weekend was really busy for us here at the mouse house as we had Ally come over to stay with us till the Monday and we had a big barbecue on the Sunday with friends and family .... the weather was really good to us and we had a wonderful day full of great food and loads of laughs  and Ally and I did managed to get a bit of stitching in on the Monday before we took her home 
We took Master Bentley up to the woods on the Monday morning as Ally hadn't been there before and she was impressed :) Bentley enjoyed her company too although he did give some strange looks when I took a certain photo (see below I showed her where the wood pecker hangs out but unfortunately for us he wasn't in .... we did see a few robins and heard loads of chirping from the blackbirds, blue tits , and chaffinch's ....
Tuesday was back to work and normal routine bah humbug ... really enjoyed my few days off but doesn't it throw you out as to what day it is ....
I ought to have named this post as what was once lost is now found .... I was getting anxious that I had misplaced the Travelling Pattern sent to me by Calamity so I set too yesterday in between everything and sorted my room a wee bit more and found it WOOOO HOOO ... so this week I am going to get it kitted up and hopefully finished by the next post .... watch this space ....
OOOOO and the other good news my DD2 got engaged ... I shall have to save up for a posh frock and a hat now
Right I think I have waffled enough ... going to bob the kettle on again .... squeak up if you want another one .... photos going to be uploaded in five :)
our pear tree in flower

a new baby sparrow

burning barbecue

goldfinch at the woods

come on auntie Ally

rather large fungi

can't see the woodpecker

spot the holes

two more since last year

can you guess who it is lol ....

robin in the woods

Ally's stitching 

any idea what sort ???

four new baby ducklings 

Competition piece finished design by Primitive Hare

bluebells at the bottom of the garden

flowers of our holly bush 

Country Cottage Sampling 's April  TP :)

well my dears I think this is all for this weeks tale .... I hope you all have a wonderful stitchy week and looking forward to bobbing and seeing you all for a cuppa ;) love mouse xxxxx


Thoeria said...

Ahhhh Ms Mouse....what gorgeous pics (Though I admit when you mentioned pics to start I had visions of yummy cakes :D ) !!! You're so lucky to have a woods on your doorstep :) Master Bentley looking dapper as always....what a pity no Woody Woodpecker! Love the huswife....shades of beautiful blue! Congrats again on your daughter's engagement :)

Heather said...

You have been a busy mouse! :-) Congratulations to your daughter! I love your finished piece. It turned out beautifully! Your flower and animal pictures are just lovely! I hope you have a fantastic week!

gracie said...

Wonderful pictures

Linda said...

Lovely pictures Mouse.


Tricia said...

Ooo - your huswife looks beautiful!! I always love your bird pictures. You have such pretty birds in the UK!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

that huswife is just gorgeous!

Beth said...

Michelle - You always overwhelm me with your posts...Where to begin. The duck - is a Tufted Duck
I never saw a British goldfinch such a pretty bird too - your woodpecker is making the most amazing symmetrical holes in the tree. I do hope you'll be able to share a photo of the bird.
Your P. Hare finish is inspiring - so pretty. Congrats on your DD's engagement. I envy you 4 days off - nothing special in the USA for Easter holidays - just Sat & Sun.

Christine said...

The huswife is beautiful. Great photos too, we've got a family of goldfinches in the hedge, they are such colourful little things

Annette-California said...

Wow beautiful post. Love your huswif you made - beautiful Mouse.
Lovely stitching. love Annette

Sarah in Stitches said...

Wow, your competition piece looks perfect! That's amazing. Your TP stitching is coming along quickly too :D

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Love your photos, Mouse! The flowers and birds are so pretty (your robins and finches are different from ours). The huswif is just stunning--wish I had that kind of sewing talent. Master Bentley is handsome as usual--Molly waves a paw at him.

Vickie said...

What wonderful blue stitching. Congrats to your dear daughter.

Ali said...

Yoo hoo, how weird was just thinking of you yesterday and that you hadnt posted for a while - :-) glad you are ok and full of busy - Lovely photos and gorgeous stitching as always xxx Congrats to your DD2 xxx

Julie said...

The huswif is superb, such pretty fabric you chose for it.

Michelle said...

Congratulations to your Daughter Mouse - I see a Wedding Sampler in your horizon! x

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Ah Mouse, the cuppa was particularly tasty today. Must be a new blend. Love all the goings on your way. Spring indeed has sprung in your neck of the woods. The competition piece looks awesome! Have a great week.

Angela said...

Lovely pics :)

Anonymous said...


Gorgeous huswif!
Your blog is lovely, the photos are great!
Happy stitching (:

geeky Heather said...

Lovely stitching!! Really needed that cuppa today. =)

Margaret said...

Congratulations to your daughter! So exciting! Lovely pictures and stitching both!

Denise SA said...

Thank you for sharing you beautiful pics. I love the huswif

Andrea said...

Tufted Duck.

A wonderful post. Love the huswif, beautiful fabric choice. Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement. Will Master Bentley be a page boy?!

Kaisievic said...

Hi Mouse, so sorry that I have not dropped by the Mouse House for a while. I find that I am still getting my routine back into gear after my month long holiday. Love your long, chatty post and the pics of the woods. Please give Master Bentley a pat for me and I love your hussif.

Carol said...

What exciting news about your daughter, Mouse!! Congratulations to her and her husband-to-be...

Your competition piece is incredible--just love how you finished it... Lovely nature photos, as always :)

Karoline said...

Your Hussif is gorgeous, great finishing

Congratulations on your daughters engagement

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congrats to your DD! I went to a wedding at the weekend, wore a fascinator because it was a civil service in a hotel!

Love the April showers piece, I really like this series, maybe after I stitch all the Wordplay I can start on these...

Susan said...

Thank you for all the photos. Your goldfinch and robin are very different than ours! Although, I have been told that our "robin" is actually a type of thrush. Wonderful finish on your competition piece. Very nice progress on April showers.

Sally said...

Congratulations to your DD.

Lots of lovely photos Mouse. Lovely birdy ones and of course Bentley is adorable as always. Love the stitching. The huswif is gorgeous. You'll have to teach me! Lol!

Brigitte said...

What lovely pictures you took during your walk. I loved to see the goldfinch as I have just finished stitching one.
Your competition piece looks so gorgeous, It's so perfect how you finished it.
Congratulations to your daughter.

Kaisievic said...

oooh, I was just revisiting your post and somehow I missed the wonderful news of your daughter's engagement (not sure how) - congratulations to her, her fiance and your whole family. Wonderful news.
hugs, Kaye

KimM said...

Wow - love the pictures….who could that be behind the tree?! - HA!

stitchersanon said...

lovely post. The duck is a tufted duck: pretty and quite common. I used to teach at a wildfowl centre..good to know some of the information has stayed in my mind haha. The huswif is gorgeous. A lovely post..thanks for sharing x