Wednesday 18 December 2013

Surprise can be revealed :)

HI everyone :) from a very dark mouse house this morning ..... its 6.30 am and I am wide awake .... sooo if any one is up too... pop over for a cuppa :)
I can't believe it is a week till Christmas day and I am waaayyyyyyy behind .... no decorations up ... cake not marzipaned, never mind iced  but there is a good reason for this .... I can reveal the secret I have been working on as it has been received and she loves it .... woooo hoooo....
soooo cast your mind back a few months .... in the days when it was warmer and the days longer Lainey had a idea to make Sally 's 50th birthday on the 12th December a special one .... we had a wee chat or two and came up with the idea to make her a quilt .... so we sent out some emails to peeps that we knew between us, that knew Sally and asked if they could stitch a square and join in the fun and I would make up the quilt :)
and that my friends is what I have been doing .... the squares were all dispatched to the mouse house back end of October onwards and I had  the wonderful job of coming up with a pattern that would work and I think I did .... (not bad for a beginner and this being only the second one I have made :) 
There was a lot of organizing to make sure that a camera was on hand ... thanks to Sally's DD -Abi * waves small paw at ya the wonderful moment was captured :)
So with with great a plume and many thanks to .....Chris , Lainey , Gill, Gillie, Jane , Julie , June, Kate, Lesleyanne, Lisa , Michelle , Tina , Cath (and I)
Taaaaa Daaaaaaa

If you bob over to Sally's blog you will see all the individual squares  close up ... I forgot to take photos of each one DOH 
It was sooooo hard to part with it soooo giving advance warning ... you have two years before mine hahahahahahah.... 
I have had a commission to make a memory quilt from this ... coooooo ...and also a few peeps have hinted they want one too ... but you will have to wait and see ;)
So I shall leave you all for now and I had better go and have some breakfast before work eeeekkkk ....
but before I go, if I don't see you before the big day .... hope every one has a wonderful time , get lots of gorgeous goodies and just to say there will be a few late parcels from the mouse house but I hope every one will let me off now for being late hehehehhe
Take care , happy stitching and  how ever you celebrate this time of year enjoy :) 
T.T.F.N  as tiger would say ..... love mouse xxxxxxxx


Sarah in Stitches said...

What a beautiful quilt! It's such a sweet gesture from all of you involved. You did a wonderful job putting it all together :D

Melissa said...

Both beautiful and extremely sweet and thoughtful!

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful! Each of you did a wonderful job stitching a square. It's great to have friendships such as yours.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Angela said...

It was a really thoughtful and lovely idea Mouse. The quilt turned out so beautiful and I am sure that Sally loved it!

Tricia said...

What a wonderful present! Such a sweet thought!!

Anne said...

Well I've got 15 years before my 50th so that will give you some time...heheee1!! Such an amazing, thoughtful and beautiful gift to give. You did a splendid job on the quilting and putting this together for her!!! Big hugs and bows to you dear Mouse!!xoxo

Vickie said...

What a loving gift by you all. Fabulous Mouse!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Oh Mouse, what a fun thing to do. I know quilts are a lot of work so that's a true testament of friendship right there! Merry Merry Ho Ho if I don't squeak to you before the big day. {{hugs}}

Meari said...

It looks beautiful!

marly said...

What a gift to cherish! Wonderful!

Ali said...

Oh that is gorgeous!!! I think I missed your last post about Harrogate - we got there on the Sunday and only realised I had forgotten my camera and your phone number!!! doh!!! I really enjoyed it - didnt get too much though and I must get round to blogging about it loving all the goodies you bought xxx

Kay said...

Wonderful!!!! Everyone should be so happy with this, I am sure it will be treasured.

Julie said...

You rid a wonderful job putting it all together, and I was really pleased you asked me to be part of it.
Have a wonderful Christmastime xxx

Susan said...

What an amazing gift!! It looks great and you did a wonderful job putting it together.

Margaret said...

What a special friend you are to do this! I saw the piece on Sally's blog -- so wonderful! It's gorgeous -- you did such a great job on it!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful gift!And aren't you a clever little mouse for doing all that wonderful quilting. Truly a treasured gift.
Have a wonderful Christmas.

Aurelia Eglantine said...

Wonderful finish and a very lovely gift, sure to be a heirloom :) I just popped over and saw all the close-ups pictures, the stitching is gorgeous - especially the friendship verse you stitched. Merry Christmas!

Barb said...

The quilt is just beautiful. They do take a lot of time! I was a quilter several years ago!

Lesleyanne said...

You did a fantastic job of finishing the quilt Mouse. Thank you for inviting me to take part.

Annette-California said...

What an incredible and loving gift. The quilt is gorgeous. Your friend will surly treasure it. Love the idea of all you coming together and making this special quilt.
Merry Christmas, love Annette

Cath said...

Thanks for doing such a wonderful job with all our squares .xxx

Mii Stitch said...

This must be the best ever birthday present! Handmade by friends!!! Congrats to all of you who were involved, it's a real treat :)

Michelle said...

Yes I think we all made her day more special x

gracie said...

Lovely quilt....

Brigitte said...

This is such a wonderful quilt that Sally received on her birthday. I have already seen it on her blog with all the detailed stitching. A great gift!

butterfly said...

Lovely quilt for Sally it came out so beautiful I so enjoyed taking a part in it , you done a great job mouse. hugs.

Petites xxx et Cie said...

Wow! what a wonderful gift... Sally's quilt is just perfect.

Catherine said...

Such a fabulous treasure! Just look at Sally's smile!! All of you that were involved deserve a big pat on the back ~ job well done! ladies!

Marsha said...

Very nice! That is amazing for a second quilt. She'll love it.

Maggee said...

THAT is a beautiful quilt! All the squares are beautiful, and you did a great job of putting it together! It is just lovely! I am having a 'big' birthday in February... not enough time to drop hints, is it?? Dang! Merry Christmas!!

Sally said...

I absolutely adore my quilt and I can't thank everyone enough for putting needle to thread and taking the time to stitch a square for me. I had been dreading this first birthday without my Dad but it was made so special by some family (! ) and friends. Thank you Mouse for your amazing sewing skills too. I will treasure it always.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is an amazing quilt! I've been to Sally's blog to admire all the individual blocks. She must be over the moon with such a personal gift.

Kate said...

It was a pleasure to take part and Mouse you did a wonderful job making the quilt up.

Stitching Noni said...

What a wonderful idea!
The quilt is gorgeous memento of a special birthday from very special friends :o)
Have a wonderful New Year - see you in 2014!
Hugs x

Bev said...

Glad Sally liked the quilt, and love all the goodies some lovely finishes as always, hope to see you Thursday x