mmmmm Harrogate ... well the much waited for, long weekend arrived in style , the sun shone all the way there , the journey was uneventful if you ignore the sat nav taking me off at the wrong junction , taking me round in circles to get back on exactly where I came off at hahahahahah .... I found the hotel fairly easily as we were staying in different accommodation this year and parked up , let them know I had arrived and pootled down into the Halls for a wonderful stash enhancement experience. I had got there well before every one else sooooo I had a head start and by the time I met up with Frances I had a lighter purse but heavier bag than when I started
I took my famous travelling stitcher bag with me which it excellent for all goodies bought and got quite a few comments on it ... some by folks saying I recognise that bag and its owner hehehe....
Frances and I took a well deserved cuppa break and took stock of goodies bought and were to go next and I became her personal shopper for a wee while and apparently I infected her with enableristis she just had to buy a few things that I had bought tooo!!!
The rest of the girls arrived through out the day and Niina and Jana(who bobbed over from Finland as you do ) were totally impressed with the show and all its delights ....In fact I am still not sure who exactly got the most stash ;0)
Friday night was full of giggles as we went to Weatherspoons and tried to translate Steak and kidney pudding and mushy peas (not together I hasten to add!) We went back to the apartment and were treated to some gorgeous Finnish tea's and chocolate and tried some salty liqurice which was actually nice :) Niina and Janna made us all a knitted ornament for our trees in blues and white so we had something to remember them by ... not that we would forget them .
Saturday dawned bright and early and after having a hearty breakfast which was very scrummy and ooodles of cups of tea .... we all went our separate ways around the show after arranging to meet up for lunch of the world famous mouse's bacon butties ;) We had carrot cake for afters yummmmmm
That night we all did a show and tell of all our stash ... and ooooo's and ahhhhs and where did you get and must have thats were heard through out the night.
Sunday arrived all too soon and we had to say good bye to Niina and Janna as they were going back to Finland and wanted to have a look around Harrogate before they left. Maureen and Ally headed back up north which left myself Sandra and Shelley to brave the show once more and have a last look and go and see the workshops downs stairs ...and more stash was bought Sandra and I had a competition to see who could by the most Sparklies fabric and I let her win this year hahahahah .... (photo of stall later on )
eeee the kettle is back on ... top up any one ????
all too soon it was time to come home and I was back to the mouse house in a blink of a whisker , being fussed by Master Bentley ....
My stash haul photo was taken on the bed in the hotel ... don't think I really got enough do you ????
I have yet to unpack them and get the goodies into the correct chart folders along with the fabric etc ... It has taken me all week to recover .... remind me next year to take a couple of days off after
on to the scrumptious goodies .....
The postie has been working over time at the mouse house and I have received all the parcels I knew were on the way. I received the most gorgeous and beautifully finished Christmas ornament from Andrea by one of my favourite designers LHN:) and her card was simply perfect too ....
The charts I won from Heather arrived followed by a wee RAK from another Heather of a gorgeous "bitty mouse" pattern and a note book with the night before Christmas mouse on the front asleep in a tea pot heheheeh..... Then the threads I won from Beth arrived the day after and they are just lovely , I have plans for some of them already :) and finally my Christmas present from DJ arrived with a wee note to open up before as it can be used before the big day ... She has stitched me the loveliest santa ..over one... in a stocking frame and she also got me a gorgeous wee ornament from cut paper of a lady stitching in a bevelled glass frame :) and another journal the same as above and some nail files .... seems to be a theme going on here with every one ....I feel soo blessed by everyone :)
sooo I suppose you want to see some photos ???? ohhh go on then .... any one for a refill while I get them sorted ???
things that make you go HHHHHMMMMMMM ... I unfortunately cannot show you any photos as apparently I now have to buy extra storage space !!!!! soooo if you would like to see the stash photos etc I could email them to you or if someone knows a way round this problem any help much appreciated :)
off to go and sulk :(
take care and happy stitching until next time love mouse xxxxx
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stitching on metal (landrover door) |
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view of the halls |
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and another view |
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I walked round all of these PHEW |
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Bed of STASH :) |
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mouse and Niina stitching :) |
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west end embroidery |
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heheh I get everywhere |
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BOOO nice to see you all again :) |
Hey mouse, I just learned that pictures posted through blogger are hosted on picasa
what you *could* do is delete old photos to free up room (but that might delete the photos from showing up on your old posts) or you could find a new place to host them, like flicr or photobucket, and insert the image via URL (an option on the side when you go to put in an image, it has what options you'd like to use, like upload, mobile, and URL.)
Hope this helps!
It sounds like an absolutely wonderful week-end!! Hope to see your stash soon! I had to buy more photo space not too long ago.
Boooo - just as well I was there and saw the stash lol! First I've heard of having to buy extra storage space on Blogger hmmmmm. Had a fab weekend and can't wait till next year! Hugs, Ally xx
What fun at Harrogate! I loved reading about your time there & can't wait to see all the goodies : ) Congratulations on the gifts & the RAKs : )
I'd love to see the picture of the bed covered with your stash, Mouse! : ) I wonder why you can't upload pictures... I've never heard of that on blogger. Hmmmmmmmm....
Glad you are back safe and sound!
Hey mouse! Sounds like you had a fab time, upload your photos to a different hosting site such as photo bucket then copy & paste the image URL link under the picture into your text box on blogger :) this should allow you upload photos without having to pay for extra space. (This tip works on eBay also, just link the pictures in the description box)
Everyone is running out of storage. It happened to me tonight as well.
Looks as if I am going to have to start paying or moving to Photobucket.
I love the word enableritis.
Hope to see your stash photos ASAP I have been looking forward all week to them.
I'm glad you had such a good time. It's a bummer not being able to post photos. I went ahead and paid for the extra storage.
Glad the threads arrived - enjoy! Sounds like a wonderful trip to Harrogate!
I hit the storage limit a few way is to go into Picassa and delete pictures to free up space.
Ugh on the storage space!! Sounds like you have had a wonderful time!!
It seems like everyone is running out of storage space at the same time. Very weird! I'm wondering if I'm going to get the message next. Ugh. Good luck with figuring it all out!
OH MAN!!!lol I was so looking forward to seeing your photos...Did you get to meet Nina that hand dyes and sells her threads? I thought she was in Hungry. I enjoyed very much reading your post. But!!! I would love to see your photos. Such a bummer on storage space. I'm going to note all the suggestions above:)
love Annette
The photo thing sounds like a mess. I am not the only one who will be watching and waiting to see what you do.
No Bentley this time. :(
Sounds like a wonderful weekend!
I hope you can get things sorted out, would love to see all your pictures!! Harrogate sounds like it was's on my bucket day hopefully I'll be able to go with you!! Glad you liked your gifts, I love making things for other people who appreciate your efforts. I think about the person while I'm lots of thoughts went into your gift...have a great Christmas!! *Hugs*
How frustrating regarding the storage space. Hope you get it all worked out. Sounds like you had a great time.
love Annette
Oh Mouse, it sounds like you had a grand time. What torture no pictures! Please email them when you get a chance or when you get it sorted out maybe they'll appear here. :o)
It sounds like a fantastic time!! I keep hearing about people finding out that they've run out of storage space. I just changed all of my photos over from webshots (which is closing down) to photobucket, and am wondering if I should have just paid Flickr for a paid account and had everything there. I hope you are able to get it sorted!
Hi Mouse. I did what Pandy said and it deleted just a few from my blog but freed up space. I would love to see what you got. email:
Well, blow me, I am just writing a post and the same thing happened to me!
Next year in Harrogate, lol!
Harrogate sounds fabulous! What a bummer that you can't post photos! I ran into the same problem a while ago and deleted some photos from Picasa, but it's only a band-aid solution. I may have to bite the bullet and pay.
you can always lower the pixel size of your photos before you upload them and it will still let you. Or as everyone else has said upload to photo bucket.
Harrogate sounds like a lot of fun, I think next year I will have to take a visit as it is so close to me :)
Your trip sounded wonderful and I hope you are able to share pictures soon, I would love to see them.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time Mouse
Glad you had a lovely time, shame you can't upload any photos though. As others have mentioned if you delete some of your older photos in picasa the Web albums i think) you will be able to upload once again. It happened to me too and deleting photos solved the problem.
Hope you can sort it x
So sorry your photos are an issue, Mouse--hope you get things sorted out soon. Your trip to Harrogate sounds delightful :)
Mouse, I am so glad that you like the two little things I sent! ;o)
It sounds like you had a grand time at the stitching show! I am always yelling and talking to my sat/nav or gps as we call it here. My kids think I am a little nutty! ;o)
Would love to see your stash haul! I hope you can figure the whole photo thing out, it seems like quite a few folks are having the same trouble!
I hope you have a great week!
Sounds like Harrogate was a resounding success.
I've heard lots of stories too about photo storage space. Again delete what you can and photos that you do post make sure they are not large files.
I am looking forward to seeing your photos as soon as you get your photo thing sorted. I upload my photos using picasa and there's an option to reduce the size, hence the file size, to my album. I haven't encountered that warning yet...I sure hope I won't anytime soon! I think you can also purchase more space that's inexpensive. Like $2.50 a year or something low like that. I hope things get sorted!!!
Glad you had a great time Mouse. Shame we can't see the photos. Looks like a few people have been getting the same message. No doubt I will soon as I've had my blog a few years now.
I was so looking forward to seeing everything. Could you not just set up a new blog and link.
Sounds like you have a fabulous time, one of these years I'd love to join you all!
As for the photo storage, I had the same problem and sounds like others have too. Take a look at my last post and what I did to make it work. I'm hoping it works again today when I write my next one!
So glad the pics got sorted out! Makes me wish I was there even more!
Well look at all those goodies! I think if Astrid shows up for a Harrogate experience I'll just hide in her suitcase and hitch a ride! What a cool idea to stitch on metal like that! Somehow I doubt DH would let me do that to our van...*sigh* Thanks for taking us on a little tour, so glad you enjoyed your goodies!! *Hugs*
What a wonderful photo's and I love your stash !!!
Oh, I wish we had events like this here~ I think Europe has all the fun, lol!
I don't think I'd be able to move from that Sparklies. Ever. I'd live in that booth and only venture out for food and some more floss, haha.
I think you'll make tons of beautiful things with your monster stash acquisition! :D
Lovely long post - I almost felt like I was there, too! Love your stash enhancement.
Great post, sounds like you had an amazing time.
Hope you're managing with the photo posting now. I really recommend Photobucket for free storage.
Love the stash on the bed pic and the one of Sparklies' stall too.
You have had a nice weekend. Lovely goodies!
Oooh dont know how I missed this post - love your goodies - (I must save up for next year - lol ) xx
So many goodies....yum! Master Bentley is looking very dashing and Miss Vallie says Howdy Doo.
If you can, please let me know the designer of the large dragon project done on the orange fabric. My grandsons would love it!
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