Sunday 20 November 2011

ISHW Craft room and a finish or two :)

HI every one :) soooo pleased it was international stitch and hermit this weekend .. I could actually get my petite derrière in my chair legally and stitch hahahahaha with the odd cuppa or two (that goes with out saying really hehehe)

I am also really pleased to say that I have got both my ornament exchanges finished finished and are all ready and packed to go the post office tomorrow and be on their merry way across the pond  and on time tooo PHEW heheheh photos will be shown once they have been received safely :)

here at the mouse house earlier on this week the weather has been glorious sunshine and sooo mild for this time of year .... I have had the back door into the craft room open while I have been merrily sorting and putting stuff away and I can finally say I'VE DONE IT !!!!!..... can you see this happy dance ???? 
three weeks later the room has had a spring clean, a lick of paint and a whole lot of sorting done ...... 
the best comment was from a friend ,when moaning about stuff not going back in he said it was like digging a hole then trying to put it all back ... it won't go in no matter how hard you try

I promised Cindy that I would get Afternoon tea out and work on it this weekend as she was getting Gillie to nag me at Harrogate (this Friday whoop whoop) soo last night I worked on it for 4 hours ... as its over one ... it doesn't look much ... I was sorry to have to put it down as it was late and bed time for me .....  have taken photos as proof !! 

Cindy, Shelley and I were talking on FB the other night and we got round to how many pieces we had stitched on this year and finished ...  well I got my little book out and counted 1,2 miss a few 45 ,46...... eeekk I had finished 46 stitched pieces and have 9 more on the go *KERPLUNK
I have had to take a photo of the book too they are a suspicious lot

As you know I am going to do the crazy January challenge 2012 again as I have thoroughly enjoyed doing it this year and as we are going to Harrogate stitching show on Friday till Sunday .... I have this afternoon got together a list of charts I wish to do from my stash pile next year .... this could be subject to change if I can't get the threads/ fabric notions etc to do them at the show ..... do you want to know then ?????

ok.... deep breath.... and go 

  1. flower patch.... loopy lou designs
  2. souvenir sampler .... the drawn thread
  3. scissors .....cherry wood designs
  4. needle ... as above
  5. winter band sampler ....LHN
  6. Melicent Turner sampler.... LHN
  7. ladybugs and bumble bees....  LHN
  8. the north wind doth blow.... LHN
  9. pumpkin Cottage ....CCN
  10. summer splendor ...LHN
  11. bloom sampler ....threadworks
  12. bushel and a peck .... La D Da
  13. Cranberry sampler ... the Sweetheart Tree
  14. there is a garden ... Purely samplers
  15. a sampling in the square .... Blue Ribbons
as well as doing the Cottage SAL by CCN  and one or two smalls too ..... I have also been doing a wee bit of designing for my group the friendly stitchers but that wont be released till next year .... 

soooo  all I need to do this week is go through my stash and check what I need to get and all being well this will be the list :)

ok Cindy and Shelley here are the photos for you hahahahah......  DOOOHH I forgot to mention that I worked on Winter Whites this weekend too and worked with whisper thread for the first time too on the sheepies and my finish was Fa la la by LHN :)

here you go now
poinsettia all ironed :)

view from my chair

the gallery :)

outside onto my garden

to the left stitching to the right card making etc

Fa la La finished (LHN)

Afternoon Tea Haed 

Winter Whites 

Whisper sheepies

my book of remind  me to do 's highlights are the ones finished 

please excuse the hand writing .. usually updating when I remember and have to get it down sooo I hope you have enjoyed the insight into my wee room and it is still tidy hehehehe 
right I had better get this on to the blog land as I have peeps waiting to look 
off to go and make a last cuppa before bed 
take care and happy stitching :) 
love mouse xxxxx


Unknown said...

Love your list, lots of yummy projects on there too. I do decided to do the SAL along with my list but as I'm not taking on much else I'm confident...remind of that this time next year when I've near nothing accomplished lol.
Love your craft room and it must be great having it all finished and your now able to settle yourself into it and stitch.
I'd be way to afraid to actually write a to do list down..its scary enough in my head lol.

Tricia said...

What fun to have a tour of your room, your stitching and your stitching notebook! I love your Winter Whites piece. I still need to have mine framed or made into a pillow or something. Great list for next year! Can't wait to watch your challenge progress!

pam said...

Doesn't a clean room feel good. Organizing it all helps fuel the stitching fire as well. Very impressive finish list.I think you might have earned another cuppa :)

Barbara said...

Your list made me tired just from reading it. LOL Some beautiful designs on there and I wish you good luck. Love the LHN one you finished. I also wanted to stitch that one this year but didn't quite make it. Oh well, there's always next year.

Parsley said...

Wow. Love your craft room!! You've had a fun but busy stitching year. I see next year will be more of the same ;-)

I just finished stitching several LHN ornies including the Falala one you show above. I think I will finish it with felt... You?

Sweet Sue said...

Super craft room, so bright and organized and all that beautiful natural light:) Enjoy your cuppa and your weekend!

Cindy said...

oh wow mouse, i love your stitching room.... all that sunshine and brightness, oh and your stitching is really lovely too.. hehehe.....i enjoyed seeing everything and glad you are feeling better.... have a great time at your upcoming retreat...will be looking forward to hearing all about it :D

Margaret said...

Your stitching room looks so bright and cosy! I love it! Love being able to see into where you stitch. Love all your stitching as well -- beautiful! Your list for the 2012 challenge looks wonderful! I look forward to watching you stitch up a storm!

Christina G said...

Great to have the natural light. It sure makes it easier to see. Nice list of things to do next year. Wishing you much luck for completing them all.

Deborah said...

Love your stitching room. Very organized and tidy. I am jealous. look forward to seeing you finish another challenge.

Laurie in Iowa said...

You have a fabulous stitching room. Thanks for sharing your list of stitching for 2012... I'll enjoy watching your progress.

Nancy said...

Your craft room is so bright and organized...I love it! You have accomplished so much this past year, congratulations on all those finishes!

Lesleyanne said...

Your craft room looks great. How lovely to have a whole room. Your stitching and finishes are gorgeous. Love your list, you have done loads this year.

Ali said...

Lovely pics - love looking at other peoples things lol. I thought I had a lot of stash but noooooo, and mine is a mix of sewing/card making -your is amazing!!! Enjoy Harrogate I'm still umming and aahing about the entrance fee (such a tight a@~e) If I get there Saturday I'll keep an eye out for you!!

Denise SA said...

Oh Dear Oh Dear I really do not need more things to stitch but I looked up about the CCN sal it sounds such a good idea.
Congratulations on the newly decorated craft room I am so envious I have turned green.

Christine said...

Great stitching and finishing and your craft room looks wonderful. I wouldn't dare post a picture of mine, it always looks like we've been burgled!
Nice list for the crazy January challenhe

cucki said...

i love your stitching room so much..your stitching and finishes are all so lovely..
you have done a lot this year..well done.
hugs xx

Sally said...

Your finished LHNs are gorgeous Mouse. Winter Whites is coming along nicely. Love that wisper sheep!!!

Your craft room looks fantastic.

Enjoy Harrogate. You've picked out some lovely projects for next year so hope you can get them all kitted up while you're there:)

Thoeria said...

Oh you have definitely been a very busy little mouse :-)
Now that you've completed your craftroom, how about coming over this side and getting mine sorted too please :)
Love the poinsettia house!
You certainly have done LOADS of stitching this year! WOW!

And This Little Pig said...

OMG Mouse you have stitched so many pieces this year, enough for a whole heard of mices :@
Love seeing photos of craft rooms, and your's is so well organised... um and full! Thank you for showing it to us.
Must say I am jealous of you, afternoon tea with Misses Cindy and Gillie. Have a wonderful time!
LiBBiE in Oz

Maggee said...

HI there! Some of your list could be my list, IF I were doing the challenge again--but I am not! I did not finish this year's list... that is bad enough! I think I have stitched a fair number this year too... guess I will count end of the year! IF I had ONE room for stash, that would be so nice! As it stands now, it is spread throughout mainly two rooms in my house right now, due to having extra people living with us. Someday... Hugs!

Susan said...

Love your craft room! All that light and being able to look out on the garden - very inspiring. And 46 finishes! That is also inspiring - I could only hope to come close. Nice list of projects for next year. I've been putting mine together and taking it apart and putting it back together. Beautiful finish and a great start on your HAED. Have a wonderful time at the show.

Gillie said...

Me nag ? you must be thinking of the other Gillie! You also must have moved house and that's a different craft room! Whoops, better run, see you Friday!

Denise said...

I love the colors in your poinsetta house. Very nice finish!
Your craft room is so organized it looks great. I need to get mine cleaned up again.
I also have a book of to do's and reminders. I would be lost without it.
Happy Stitching

Melissa said...

I love your Poinsettia House. Great job with all your other projects!

Lisa Dunn said...

I love your stitching room! The view into your garden is wonderful.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have designed for us in the group! :o)

DJ said...

Oh Mouse, your stitching is magnificent as always!! Love your projects, especially Poinsettia house! Any chance I could borrow that one? Am pining away here thinking about you lot heading to Harrogate, and wishing with all my might I could go too. *sigh* Have fun for me! Oh, and I put our names on the list for the patterns from my LNS for the SAL...can't wait for the first one! Your room looks so organized, wanna come and sort mine? Pretty please? LOL *Hugs*

SheilasEmbroidery said...

Think I need you to come and tidy my workroom, it's a terrible mess, so much so I'm working in the dining room as there is no space left up here. A busy year ahead, well done.

Patty C. said...

Poinsettia House looks wonderful
I am certain your ornaments will be highly appreciated !!!! ;)

"pappi puikoissa" said...

Wow, you can really organize your crafting place!

Pretty poinsettia - and I love that FaLaLa (I have stitched it once, too, last year, for a Christmas SWAP.)

Julie said...

Lovely sitting. Enjoy Harrogate. Nice list for next year. Lovely craft room.

Michelle said...

Oh wow it looks wonderful Mouse - well done. No wonder it took a while to sort it - I had no idea of the stash you had! Roll on the weekend eh! Im giddy with the excitement of it all xx

Joysze said...

That's a whole lot of finishes, Mouse dear!!!!!

Poinsettia House looks awesome, wooooowoooo!!

Your 2012 list made me faint. ROFLMAO!

Meari said...

Congrats on all your finishes this year, Mouse!

Your craft room looks great all spiffed up.

Beautiful stitching as always :)

Sherry said...

Love your craft room!!!! Wow!! You did a lot of stitching this year! Poinsettia house looks great.

EvalinaMaria said...

Awesome craft room and awesome stitching! Thank you for the tour.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for the guided tour. If I had a stitching room it'd all gradually seep back into the lounge!
I love that everyone is making lists for next year, it's such fun.
I must update my finished projects list on my blog, I got upto 50 and forgot to add the next ones.

Vicky L said...

Wow! I love your craft room. I thought I was looking at a LNS!!! Your finishes are looking great too!

marly said...

Nice craft room! There would be no sense in my making a list because I would change my mind on 90% of the projects a week later.

Catherine said...

Oh how fun to have a room all to yourself for your goodies!! I tease my boys as to which room I'll take over once they all leave the nest!
Lovely stitches!

Veronica said...

o.O did you say you finished 46 projects this year?!?! Wow! That is a lot of finishes. I'm astound.

That's quite the list you have there. LOL! I can't imagine having that many starts in one month.

I love your craftroom! It looks great. You're so organized with your project list. I could hardly keep track of mine.

Love your finishes and WiPs. They're all so pretty.

Do take care!


Carol said...

Oh, you're so lucky to have your very own craft room--and it looks so nice and well-lit, too!

Lovely stitching, Mouse--always fun to visit your "house!"

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Lovely stitching, and great pics. All your stitchy space looks so nice and tidy! Looks like a fine list for 2012, so prepared! Thanks for the tour.

Dani - tkdchick said...

I got a good stretch of stitching done on the IHSW as well! YOur ornaments look great and wow look at that neat and tidy craft room! I have one too but its a disaster right now, and I don't actually stay in there to stitch it just has my stuff and a space to do finsihg!

Mylene said...

ohhh, i am sooo jealous of your craft room, so tidy and organized.
Thanks for sharing the pics.

Lovely finishes and WIP's!!!!

Ranae said...

Oh! lookie at that craft room, how fun to spend the day.
The finishes are pretty and the WIP's are looking good.

Ranae said...

Oooopsie forgot to add
Good Luck in the 2012 list

Anne said...

Drools over craft! I am amazed! Gorgeous WIP's too! I took a look at your list and can't believe how organized and focused you are!

Lois said...

What a great spot to sit and stitch in! Nice progress on your WIP's!

Carin said...

That is a long list you all want to do in 2012 :-)
I love your pictures and your stitching is so beautiful, I love that pionsettia house !!

♥ Nia said...

lovely stitching :)

Angela said...

Love the views from your chair! All your projects look great, congrats on the finishes.

You've picked some great choices for the 2012 crazy challenge.

Siobhán said...

Beautiful stitching! I love your list of projects, too. Your stitching/creating area--divine! It must be so nice to have everything in one area.

mdgtjulie said...

Grats on all the finishes Mouse. I'm amazed!!!! I'm sure I could have finishes if I didn't work such large projects! :p Grats on all the progress too. Working over one doesn't always show progress like it should, but you know you made progress and that's all that matters.

Jenny said...

...can you come over and organize my craft-room - pretty please!? LOL