sorry not updated blog for awhile but I have been a very busy mouse with one thing and another in fact if you could see the state of my craft room and kitchen and living room I think peeps will send the cleaning fairies to help me
There are fabrics and notions (ooo I like that word and rulers and pins every where and the iron is on constantly atm as I have been having a finishing session and a making session over these last few weeks .... my place resembles as sewing factory heheeheheh.
It started because I received an email saying that they may ban rucksacks at the stitching shows I attend ,now in case you didn't know I have to use crutches to walk around these days (I have a wheelchair on the way with a special request for spikes on it like Ben for those folks who cheese me off by ignoring the fact that I am a real and occasionally intelligent ! mouse who just happens to need a chair to get round large places.
Well this got my thinking head on and I came up with making my travelling stitcher from LHNS into a patchwork bag :) a rather large one to boot too anyway here are the pictures for you to have a nosy at :)

I'm fairly new to the patchwork scene but I think that this has turned out pretty well seeing as I made the pattern up as I went along :)
Ooooooo I have just remembered I made Gillie one of my fellow mods a wee patchwork bag as when she decided to come across the pond a few months ago she saw one that I had made for Karen and said "any time mouse any time" so i found the any time heheh and did it...... here it is :)
As the sewing machine was out I also finished the A stitch a square a week along (ASAWAL) for short that was designed by Abi and Val of the friendly stitchers which was stitched over the whole of last year I put the last stitches in on new years eve :) I wanted to make it into a wall hanging since I started the design so this is what I did to finish it off...........unfortunately the dowelling rod is a tad to small but you get the idea

to the right is the inside view of the Hussif and the next picture is the outside . It rolls up a bit like a jewellery roll and will fit very nicely inside my new bag :)
I have also been doing a bit of cross stitch too but as I'm working on things for a secret exchange and a book mark exchange I'm afraid you will have to wait and see those in a later post once I know they have been received by my partners :)
My poor suffering DH is now groaning over his wallet tee hee as I have found a lovely little patchwork shop at the local garden centre which I and my MIL go to a lot ..... it has a lot of very nice scrummy fabrics and I can feel a wee purchase or two coming up next time we go hahahaha.

Other than all this I have been enjoying my wee garden and have been watching all the bumble bees that have been on my lavender bush and have tried to take some pictures of them so I shall leave you for today with one of my snaps of them :) take care on and all and squeak to you all soon :)
Love mouse xxxxxxx