Thursday 5 January 2012

Lady bugs and things

Hi every one :) sorry so late in posting this tonight but has been one of those days  where I seem to have been like a mouse on a hot tin roof and getting no where fast 
I didn't get my needle into any fabric until tonight at stitching meet up where over a few cups of tea and shortbread biscuit I managed to make a pitiful start on Ladybugs and bumble bees  by CCN ... 
I am stitching it on an unknown creamy 32 count evenweave with all the recommended  colours  for a change hehehehe .....

hopefully tomorrow (friday) will be a better day but I have to go to the Dr's for some tests etc soooo wish me luck  and all being well will be back at home to stitch for the afternoon ... I've already picked out Pumpkin Cottage to start :)
sooo here you go my craptastic (just love that word ... thanks Edgar ) scan of my start 
Ladybugs etc by CCN 

right it is way past this wee mouse's bedtime sooo off I go .... see you all tomorrow ... take care one and all and happy stitching :)
love mouse xxxxxxx


Catherine said...

Cute start! Best wishes for your dr's appt.!

pandy said...

nice start! good luck with the dr appointment and sleep well! :)

Lizzy Pizzy said...

Time for brunch here mouse :) That's a good start on Ladybugs and Bumblebees.
Hope your tests go OK
Liz x

Tricia said...

Oh, it's cute! Hope your appt goes well tomorrow!!

Kate said...

You started so that's a good start!
Hope the trip to the Doc's goes well.

Unknown said...

Love the start and I think you did great, some days just get away from you don't they ! lol

Sharon said...

Good luck on those tests - I hope you pass with flying colors! I can't wait to see the ladybug earn her wings! :)

Margaret said...

Good luck on your tests. Hope they go well! Love your new start -- so cute!!

Lee said...

All the best for your doctors appointment. I went searching to see what the Ladybugs and bumble bees design looks like. it's cute look forward to seeing the progress.

Ziggyeor said...

Good start! LOL on your new fav word. I hear my friend saying "That's just crap." in my head. She says that about quiet a few things.
Hope you have a pleasant nights sleep.

Peggy Lee said...

oohhhh.....I do love ladybugs!
Edgar does come up with some good ones, doesn't he?
Will be thinking of you tomorrow!

Kaisievic said...

Great start,Mouse, good luck at the doctor's tomorrow.

Hugs, Kaye xoxox

DJ said...

Wonderful start, Mouse! Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, will keep you in my prayers! Sweet dreams! *hugs*

EvalinaMaria said...

Sweet dreams my dear, tomorrow is a new day. Good luck with Dr's appointment. I hope all is well.

Mary Ann said...

Another lovely start! I hope your dr's appointment goes well tomorrow.

Lesleyanne said...

Great new start. Good luck with the Drs appointment.

Ali said...

Morning hun, hope your back is improving and good luck at the drs xxx fab start - intetersted to see more of this one xxx

Michelle said...

Lovely start - its a cute chart. Good luck with appointment x

catherine said...

well done on your start. Good luck at the doctore - i have the dentist(not my favourite place)
x catherine

cucki said...

cute start..and good luck for your doctor oppointment..
hugs xx

Christine said...

Great start! Good luck at the doctor's

Chris said...

Sweet start,
Good luck at the Dr.s.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Nice job! Good luck with the tests. Mine were done on Wednesday, and so far, so good. Stay warm, be well, and keep on stitchin' pretty!

Thoeria said...

I love that chart! Great start. Good luck at the doc - hope all is well!

Rita said...

I look forward to watching your progress on this one.

Jeanne said...

Always loved this pattern Mouse, it will be so cute! Good luck with your medical journey, I hope everything is okay.

Sally said...

I hope your doctor's appointment went well Mouse.

Love your new start.

Niina said...

Good start mouse! Keeps those needles smoking!

Lisa said...

Cute new start. Hope the tests went ok.