Sunday, 9 October 2011

Scarborough, stitching and a century post

Hi every one :)
DD1 has been updating my back ground and my profile picture in honour of Halloween ...... just in case you were confused hehehe

well I can't believe I have got to my 100th  post since I started blogging last year.. I wonder how many cuppa's we have got through in that time hehehehe ....

As you know DH and I escaped for a few days away at Scarborough this week (that's why it was soooo quiet and we had a lovely time.. the weather was great until we got back ....we stayed at  the Grand Hotel and  we got upgraded to a lovely big room due to a mix up with the rooms ....  we wandered around the south side of Scarborough to our hearts content looking at the light house and all the boats in the marina and listening to the gulls screeching and catawalling and the sound of the waves lapping onto the beach as the sun went down and the tide came in.   On Thursday we  went up to The Castle .... we walked round the whole of it with DH giving me all the history and finishing off with "one day they will finish it" hehehehe... and boy was it windy up there , thank goodness DH bought me a new walking coat which was lovely and toastie :) , had a go on the slot machines and won a few trinkets hehehe not to mention taking 330 photos ..but I won't bore you with them all hahahahah .....
we found a 2nd hand book store in the town and I dropped on a copy of Traditional Samplers by Brenda Keyes for £5.00 what a bargain .... I was gutted that the only time I have found a stitching shop there, that it was closed on a Wednesday .... nooooooo....... but DH on the way back home took me to York so I could go to the Viking Loom and the Craft Box there .. but unfortunately I didn't get much there either ... the fabric was wayyyyyyy to expensive(£50.00 for one metre of cream Belfast!!!!!) and they didn't have much in the way of specialist threads either so I ended up with a fat quarter of lovely pink fabric  but I did take a nice shot of the York Minster

SOOOOOO finally onto the stitching bit :)  as you know I entered the stitch bitch challenge competition and I can now show you my entry .. I won one of the lovely charm packs from Barb and Alma  and cant wait to get it and use it for something nice :)
My rotating designer piece arrived safely at its destination soooo I can show you that too yipppee and I have almost caught up with this months Romantique SAL .. I've only got a wee bit left to stitch and have sent my photo in as the final part comes out tomorrow .. if I get chance after yackking to you all I shall put a few more stitches into it :)
that is all the stitching updates I have got this week with going away as I didn't take any with me as we went for a complete just us break :)
but the postie did bring some lovely stuff for me this week .... my blog win from deb of the thread gather's fame arrived safely and I am still drooling over the scissor frog and the adorable gingher scissors ... I am going to have to make a special scissor fob for those beauty's :)
and DJ sent me a" just because prezzie "too the JCS Halloween and Christmas issues which I have had a squeak at, over a large cuppa ..... any one want another one ???? she is also doing a blog giveaway to highlight breast cancer awareness month sooo pop over and see her won't you :)
Rhona of tangled threads has opened her online shop at so please go and have a peek you never know you just may find something that she has designed that will fit the bill :)
ooo have just remembered the little mouse in the needlebook photo is a Dora mouse design ... they do lots of other creatures and they are lovely sooo if you want to buy me something  ;) heheheheh they do a frog, a westie ,a hedgehog and they have brought out some new ones we noticed when we went to the garden centre the other week :)
oooo have just previewed this and the space for the writing is sooo small .... mmmmmm 
ok soooo on to the long awaited photos  ta daaaaaaa

stitch bitch challenge piece

rotating designer piece 

view from dining room window

looking the other way

sunset over Scarborough

sunrise from dining room window

the Grand Staircase

Scarborough Lighthouse 

Scarborough Castle

looking onto North Bay at Scarborough

the Grand Hotel in the distance 

another view just for DJ :)

ruins at the Castle

some more ruins

another view 

York Minster


closer view of scissor frog and yummie ginghers

romantique SAL almost finished

finally framed by me :)
soooo there you are folks and if you've managed to get this far yipppee.. well done have another brew to celebrate hahahah  :)
I shall leave you for now and hope you have a great week stitching :)
take care one and all :) love mouse xxxxx


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely photos of a great trip.

I've got that Brenda Keyes book, I've stitched designs from p98 and p126 as birth samplers for two friends who had babies on the same day!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great trip....fantastic pictures too, love the ruined castle. As for your stitching...totally yummy (as always). More yumminess in your new stitching goodies too!
Thanks for mentioning my website....much appreciated.Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Anne said...

Phew that was a long trip!! Love all your pics of your mini vacation! That hotel is insane! Your room must have been so luxurious. I would just love to see a castle, any one would do. Your framed pieces are darling. You did a fab job!!Not sure what the rotating designer piece is all about, but I love it!


Barbara said...

What a wonderful trip you took!!! I absolutely love your scissor frog and all your finishes. Oh how I wish I had entered the Romantique SAL....everytime I see it I fall in love all over again.

Mindi said...

Love the pictures from your trip, and you received so great goodies from Deb!

marly said...

I like your Halloween look! Very nice! You won a great giveaway and I enjoyed seeing all of your photos.

DJ said...

Oh Mouse, I love all your pictures, but especially those of the lighthouse!! What a lovely place, maybe one day I can visit there. Looks like you had a lovely time! What beautiful stitching too, I can see why you won! It's a beautiful pillow! Your framed pieces are very nice too...nicely done! Thanks for sending folks to my blog...I'll be adding another giveaway item soon! Lucky you to find the Brenda Keyes book, I LOVE her samplers and have TWO kitted up and ready to stitch. Am getting ready to send another package next you can stalk the postie again. LOL *Hugs*

Catherine said...

What a wonderful post of goodies! Beautiful things all around! Your getaway looks like it was a lot of fun - very pretty pictures!

pandy said...

What lovely pics! Looks like a wonderful time was had. :) And you are right, that IS the one I'm looking for. I'll try not to drool too much on your page :D

Nancy said...

Lovely framing! Your SAL is so pretty! Glad you had an enjoyable trip...nice score on the book!

Bec said...

Beautiful photos from your trip! it looks like such a relaxing place to be.

Gorgeous stitched pieces and I love your new goodies. :)

Love the new blog look. I was confused for a second when I first clicked over to you page lol :)

Margaret said...

Love your stitching! That challenge piece is great! Love the pics from your trip -- so pretty!

Sarah said...

What a great looking trip! I love England, can't wait to go back (and see lots of castles). Lots of great looking goodies too (and stitching of course)


Penny said...

What lovely stitching. Thanks for sharing the pictures from your trip, I enjoyed looking at them. :)

And This Little Pig said...

Oh Mouse you have been busy! Love your goodies, pictures are stunning, and your little 'vampire mouse' divine! DD1 had done a great job.
LiBBiE in Oz :@

Lesleyanne said...

Great pictures from your trip to Scarborough. I love that neck of the woods. Great stitching and gifts. Your framed pieces look fantastic.

Ali said...

Sounds like a fab time was had in Scarborough (and York). Lovely photos I'm sure I've seen you've won something this week was it on Daffycats blog???? Aah I'm sure you'll have spotted it:-). I am umming and aahing over the JCS christmas book - found a uk supplier but the halloween one looks gorgeous but they dont stock that one. Your SAL is coming along lovely. Fab new bloggy layout and avatar - tooo cute xxx

Christine said...

I love Scarborough, we used to go there all the time when we lived up country but I haven't been for years.
You've got some great goodies there, thats one of the nicest scissor frogs I've seen.
Great progress on your SAL and the framed pieces look lovely

Unknown said...

Ooh, I love going to Scarborough, I have so many fantastic childhood memories from there. I'm really glad that my boyfriend and I went there for the day before we left Leeds.

Romantique SAL looks gorgeous. I would love to do something like that one day!

Lois said...

Great pics from your trip, what a lovely place to stay. Enjoyed seeing all your stitching pics too. Great framing on your LHN pieces!

Pete's Pixie said...

What a post - I needed that cuppa! Love the gingher and scissor frog so you will have to check they are still there next time I visit roflmao!! One of these days you will have to teach me to make those cushions too - whats the point of having an antique sewing machine if you never use it? Can't wait to see the next bit of the romantique sal done too! Hugs Ally xxx

Siobhán said...

It looks like you had a fantastic time! I have never heard of Scarborough so I enjoyed looking at the photos, and looked it up online to see just where it's located.

Your stitching pics and goodies are all wonderful! I love the challenge piece that you did. Your finishing on that and the framing of your LHNs are just amazing! Really lovely work.

cucki said...

very lovely photos of your trip.
and your stitching is so lovely always..
and beautiful framing of your lhn.
keep well for you xx

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Great pics of your lovely trip - nice stash, too. Your framed pieces look wonderful!

Carol said...

Thank you for sharing the lovely photos from your trip, Mouse! I keep telling myself that--someday--I'll see some of those beautiful sights myself :)

Beautifully framed LHN pieces and your SAL is looking splendid... Enjoy those wonderful goodies from Deb!

Denise SA said...

Love all your stash and your stitching .Glad you had a good time in Scarborough.
Trying to set up my own blog.Will let you know when its working.

Susan said...

Looks like you had a wonderful trip. Thank you for all the pictures. Great wins and your stitching is beautiful as always.

Thoeria said...

Scarborough looks amazing Mouse! Great pics! Your SAL is coming along beautifully and love your absolutely scrumplicious stash additions :)

Sally said...

Lovely photos of Scarborough. Glad you had a great time.

Your Romantique SAL is so pretty. Happy dance soon????

You've had some fantastic wins and I love your framed pieces.

Meari said...

What a nice vacation you had! Thanks for sharing.

Your stitching looks beautiful, and wonderful goodies you've received.

Congrats on your 100th post!

Michelle said...

Wow - lovely photos. I love Scarborough too. You have had some wonderful wins - how lucky.
I got that book recently from a charity shop you will love it xx

The Outgoing Introvert said...

Sounds and looks like an absolutely wonderful trip! Love all the photos. Wonderful stitching and stitching goodies!!

Lynn B said...

Looks like you had a lovely time in Scarborough, your photo's look great!

I love your recent finishes,please can you tell me where you got the frames from for Home of a Needleworker?

You may also like to check out my blog to see who has won my giveaway!

"pappi puikoissa" said...

Hih, your romantique SAL fits with my socks and mittens ;)

And framed pieces are very beautiful, too - I love those designs with beautiful/fun/wise text on them!

And yes, I really love TLOR (and other fantasy books..) Those books are so heavy to handle and it's quite difficult to read and stitch at the same thime, but audio books help :)

Veronica said...

Thanx for the gorgeous photos! Love the view, especially of the castle. Castle ruins fascinates me.

I think I'm in love with your flower frog. I just can't seem to find any of them here. Lovely scissors too. It's in my favourite colour!

Beautiful framing! I like the simple frames you've chosen to accompany the stitching.

So have you started on the last installment of Romantique Sampler yet?


Joysze said...

Love your pics, Mouse!!! HAHA, your new look had me confused for a bit and I had to look at the web address to see who I was reading. :)

Love that mouse of yours. ;)

Vinniey said...

Very nice Halloween theme background! Your DD had done a great job. Beautiful vacation pictures too! Looks like you had a wonderful trip. York Minster is so grand. OMG! £50.00 for one metre of cream Belfast! That's really expensive!

Your framed pieces is gorgeous! Have a wonderful week to you and enjoy your new stash.

TinaTx said...

Looks like a great trip! Love the pictures.
Wonderful stitching and you did a great job with the framing!

Daffycat said...

Oh my, lovely holiday photos. I almost feel as if I've taken a vacation now myself!

*squee* That is a wonderful scissor frog, Mouse! So pretty!

Parsley said...

Love all the pictures! WOW, I need to visit here one day!

Love the stitchy items too. Makes me want to rush over and stitch faster.

Anne S said...

Wonderful piccies of both Scarborough and stitching :)

Barclay Hurley said...

Wow! This all are lovely picture. This is nice and lovely picture for scarborugh. I am really happy to find out nice suggestion for scarborugh.

guest house scarborough