things have been so hectic with one thing and another that i don't know where to start ... i've had a lot of appointments recently and a few more to come due to my pesky condition but hey ho that's life lol .
Must say a cheery hello and fingers crossed to DJ if you manage to read this ;) will be thinking of you and hope all goes well over the next few weeks :)
I managed to become a fairy godmother to one of my friends on the stitching group as it was her birthday and she had got tickets to go and see Rod Stewart at the Birmingham NIA but due to circumstances beyond her control had been left without any transport so as i was free i picked her up and off we went after much talking and yummy food we got there and even managed to find a very nice man who got us his visitor pass so that we could park on his road which was two hops skip and a jump from the NIA . we tootled of into the arena and found our seats got comfy and the curtains went up .... such good timing :)
The show was fantastic and we even got up and waved to we are sailing :) before we knew it the show had ended and then we had the wonderful task of getting out of Birmingham which with the sat nav was slightly easier than getting in
We turned up at Maureen's house very late and had a midnight snack of cheese n onion on toast scrummmmmyyyyy ;) a couple of hours later after we had finished chatting we retired to bed .
The next day dawned very sunny so we spent some time in Maureen's lovely garden admiring the plants and sitting in the sun ... i did turn a slight pink colour woops !!! we then went to look at Maureen s stash pile and i must say she has more than me !!!! just needs to be organised slightly
any ways all good things come to an end and i had to trundle back home later that day.

take care one and all and i shall squeak more soon xxxxxxxxxx